Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Thoughts

Advent and Christmas are wonderful times of the year. Personally, for me the excitement of these celebrations revolves around family and traditions that mildly fluctuate through the years.

Church has always been an integral part of the Christmas season for me. I pleasantly recall simple recitations by the children, singing of carols, preparation of the platform for a Christmas play and pageants of the birth of Christ and celebratory banquets.

Coming from a less financially fortunate family, it wasn’t nor is it about gifts so much as the smells and sounds that represent a joyful time. I love the special aromas filling the house. It meant spending time with those we loved and enjoying breaking bread together at a family table filled with abundance and good tastes. Then there were update conversations about how each of us were doing. The gift exchange was fun and often exciting, especially for the younger children.

As the years have passed family has become distanced and getting together is more difficult. The family is growing but diversity and accessible options limit the willingness to unite. It is difficult to please everyone with being present and participating in those old traditions of gift giving and opening of presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. But I would hope my family would not forget the real reason for Christmas. Let’s celebrate the coming of a Savior to redeem our lost souls.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Wishing all my blog readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I am not sure how much I will be composing for postings over the next few days. I would emphasize the importance of remembering why we celebrate this time of year, it is about one great gift given to all who will receive, JESUS.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Please humor me in this diatribe and don’t take offense.

I am curious about a term used to describe a time of being in a church service. People post on the internet that their church service “rocked” or “rocks”. Can one of you be more specific about what that means in comparative terms?

Until I get an explanation or response to my query allow me to surmise with the following:

If “rocked” or “rocks” means top of the chart feelings, would “stoned” or “stones” mean a little more or less than the top notch feeling? I know it previously meant drunk or high on drugs. It could also refer to extraneous particles in the bladders. I am not sure the Apostle Paul or any of the early church patriarchs would want to be in a church that rocked or stoned in that case.

Continuing on the same vein of analysis it would possibly follow that” graveled” or “gravels” would be an even lesser level of excitement. Gravel being a smaller size than stone or rock. You ever walk barefoot on gravel?

That makes it possible to reduce an assessment of calling a boring time in church “sanded” or “sands”. I know Jesus was a carpenter and all, but to say “Jesus sands” might be appropriate but misunderstood.

We could then proceed to the insignificant description of “atomized”. But then one can realize the power of the atom bomb which when released was really more than “rocked” , “stoned”, “graveled”, and “sanded.”

I think I have opened up a door to a serious and inexplicable dilemma. What do you think? Our vernacular is in a constant state of flux.

Friday, December 11, 2009


The Christmas season is here. As a child I looked forward to this time of year and it seemed forever getting here each year. There was anticipation of vacation from school, visiting family, Christmas programs at church, the smell of pine trees, sounds of Christmas carols and good will expressed everywhere. Now it comes so rapidly. What has happened?

Like most children, I looked forward to presents under the tree. I really didn’t ask for much and as time passed I expected even less. As an adult I see commercialism lessens the significance of the real celebration. It seems to be all about the economy. But I must focus on the reason for the season. The pageants and programs must continue to convey the celebration of the birth of a Savior. It is a happy time because of Jesus coming to earth. I find no fault with gift giving and sharing at any time. But, He is our greatest gift and source of peace in time of turmoil.

The secularist view pervades our religious representations with obtuse objections. They want to change the focus by calling it a winter holiday and using an “x” to replace “Christ” is an all too common practice. But I remind them that the “x” in Greek is “chi” and can well be the initial of Christ. Persecution of believers seems to be the underlying motive for their attacks about Christ-centered displays in public places. Christians awake! Do you remember the godless society of the USSR which failed? Are we headed in that direction with proposed and pending legislation that contains laws that contradict the message of the Bible?

The one true message of this season of Advent is found in Luke’s Gospel chapter two, 7And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. 8And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. 10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Lets keep the message alive. Merry CHRISTmas

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our Neighborhood

We are blessed to live in our particular neighborhood. It is rather quiet most of the time. Our street is one block long running east and west with a perpendicular short street to the north. We are on the corner lot where the streets meet. These are Cambridge Homes by Lennar and our development is called Coventry Village. There are about six different model styles. Our home is known as the Windsor and is the second largest in square footage.

To my best understanding occupants on our block include a doctor, two nurses, correctional officers, a policeman, two navy pilots, office workers, a mechanic, and a technician. I believe those vocations prevail in the entire development. Our immediate neighbor to the east has two small children and we hardly ever see them. Two of our neighbors across the street have just become parents. The only other children are on the northeast corner and the southeast side of our block.

Animal noises are minimal. I think most keep their dogs inside. There is one large cat we see tripping our sensor light occasionally.

The whole neighborhood is only three or four years old. Everyone in the village seems to take care of their home decently. Lawns and landscaping are generally neat and clean.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Past in Memory

The challenge of living in my world is sometimes exhausting and confusing. I can also say that sometimes living is exciting and rewarding. So what is it that makes all of this stuff in my life “tick?” The winding of my clock is done by influencers and a Divine source above all. If I were to have my way, perhaps someone else would not be having their way. Does that make any sense? This is a deep philosophical discussion. I may not be able to turn back the hands of time but I can recall the past.
Certain intonations (sounds) stimulate my visual memory and other senses to replay prior periods or particular events in my life. I believe this assists validation of my experiences. It is not that such experiences are necessarily epiphanies; they are events that impacted my life and gave some direction, choice, and influence. Experience is always good advice whether it was tragic or wonderful when applied as a lesson. For me the noise of reminder might be a musical piece, a déjà vu place or person.
This phenomenon brings enlightenment to my personal spirit. I am reassured by the particular remembrances that I have lived life and for the most part savor my experiences. I want to continue to value events of my life and the involvement of others. As I do this I can give value to others who bring influences into my life. “No man is an island” certainly holds true.
I recently took a personality test designed by Myers-Briggs. The test results determined my personality type as ISTJ. This was no surprise to me because for a long time I have accepted that defining of my personality. I try to analyze situations from within before making a decision. As I grow older I do react and speak more quickly. This response may be due to maturity and clearer purpose of my life. I am sensitive to the impact of my decision and generally think before judging.

I love to reminisce and share meaningful events. Precious memories puts value on my life.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rethinking Faith

I have recently had to rethink many of the positions, ideologies, philosophies, and interpretations of the Scriptures held by the many in my former organization. Their belief may be due to lack of training. My involvement came abruptly to an end from this denomination in which I served all of my adult life until the end of 2007. (I was an ordained Pastor.) The event leading to my exodus caused a deep wound that is healing with positive results. It was my personal choice to part ways with the organization after failure of support from superiors over the unwarranted act against me.

At this time I feel enlightened and unburdened by legalistic concepts that were so subtle and daunting at times within the spoken and unspoken realm of the denomination. Looking from the outside offers a view that is too frequently overlooked. This doesn’t mean that I have thrown out my heritage; some principles and doctrine remain intact and vital to my present life. For this reason I now consider myself an Independent Reformed Pentecostal (IRP).

Some specificity of interpretation and application I formerly adhered to are simply not mandated by Scripture. In any situation when rules and expectations imposed on you because of private interpretation they are simply inappropriate. This type of imposition would be defined as legalism to appease current leadership. Holiness is from within and should not be misconstrued to allow unwarranted judgment of character or integrity. I will respect those who hold to opinions in as much as they do not interfere with the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that sets us free.

Some of my former friends within the organization will call my position heretical. I would caution them about their judgment. I continue to hold to the basic tenets of Pentecostalism as they serve the Biblical purposes intended. The leadership must educate themselves more thoroughly in hermeneutics and theology before they rush to judgment on my behalf. It is time for them to recognize the trouble is often with the “good old boys club” mentality; denial of its existence doesn’t erase its influence. The adherents to traditions for tradition’s sake are often stumbling blocks to the propagation of the Gospel.

I continue to esteem those who have ignorantly held to certain unsupported principles or standards but impacted my life to search the truth. Our understanding of God’s purpose for humanity is not always clear cut, but it is definitely true that Scripture remains clear when clearness counts. Many legalisms are connected to on-going antiquated, useless traditions or opinions of men. If these traditions and opinions do not edify others then they are worthless in effectuating God’s Kingdom principles.

I can certainly say that it is true about reformation; it happens during oppressing times and can effectively bring clarity. Reformation may also be accompanied by unjustified persecution from previous affiliations. These attacks have served to strengthen my attachment to the truth revealed to me. My goal is to avoid any animosity towards former acquaintances because of their belief or position. However, I cannot stymie my enlightened perspective by remaining silent.

And so, am I passing judgment upon those cited above? That is certainly not my intent. However, you can analyze and reach certain conclusions by the results of their productivity. My righteousness is in Christ alone and that will be my salvation. Am I blaming someone for something? No, any measure of innocence or guilt will be determined by the Chief Judge and God of Creation on that day.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ongoing Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day 2009 has come to a close. However, this does not mean thanksgiving from us has ceased. On the contrary, we have so much on a daily basis to be thankful for. The special day in November is meant to be a reminder of all the sacrifices made for establishing a nation based on principles from the Bible with the religious freedom that is often taken for granted. It is recognition of a connection with those who accept the bounty offered. We plant, water, and harvest but it is God who gives the increase. We should be careful not to detract in our modern thinking from the godly destiny that enabled our forefathers to set this nation in order and bring improved government better than ever experienced in the old world. I want to hold to the original intent of our founding fathers.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


For me this can be a very nostalgic time of year. The brisk fall air and less daylight bring back memories of my youth when I waited seemingly forever for those extended vacations from school. Now that years have accumulated behind me these days pass too rapidly. My fondest recollections are gathering with family and good home cooked meals and desserts.

The three of us are planning on being with my oldest niece and family. For me it will be a time of discussing and exchanging information about our lives, present and past. A lot of talk will take place. At this stage, very little television will occupy our attention during our stay. That at least has been the pattern for the past several visits. I think our family members are very capable of providing much better and higher quality entertainment than the TV personalities anyway.

I believe we have wonderful and loving family. We don’t always see eye-to-eye on every issue but we overcome obstacles with our love and care. Age certainly has a way of bringing mellowness to our life. Life is too short to be mean to our kin.

I will continue to love and pray for the members of my family. They have demonstrated a worthiness of being my relatives. I will overlook any skeletons that may be in the closets and resign those judgments to God. God is a forgiving God and I likewise need to employ that attribute as well.

Happy Thanksgiving, You All!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I have scanned a lot of “Christian” blogs of late. There is much variety in the postings from all religious fields. Opinions are expressed, Scripture is cited, and refutations are proffered. Some posts are very strong and adamant on their position or interpretation.

What I would hope to see in these posts is a clear acknowledgement that Jesus is the Christ and receiving Him as Lord and Savior resolves the one crucial issue of where one will spend eternity. The Gospel is our hope. It is wonderful to have our minds expanded by different perspectives of doctrine. We have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.

And now that I have posted this brief statement those passing by my blog will do their liberty in analysis or critiquing. Just do it . . . the ball is in your court. Remember, Life is a game with serious consequences when it’s over.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Titus, Our Dog

This is our loyal pooch, Titus. He was abandoned when our son brought him home, full of ticks and fleas at about 6 weeks old. We became attached to him and he has been with us now over seven years. He is a chihuahua terrier mix. Titus is smart as a whip and does 8 or more tricks for us.

I wish some people would be as forgiving as our dog. He still gets excited when he sees us after a brief absence of a few hours even. Oh what we could learn from Titus!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

God in Our Lives

I am excited about God's presence in our lives. There is a settled calmness and clear sense of direction that had been evasive for so long. If this feeling doesn't last, it will at least be remembered. All events leading us to this point in our life has not been pleasant or easy. Now, in retrospect, Divine intervention has worked all things out for our benefit. Forgiveness reigns in our hearts and our assessments are tempered by God's love.

Regrets? ..... None really.
Relief? ..... You better believe it!
Restoration? .... Better than before minus the "trash" of pseudoisms .
Relativity? ..... A clearer picture of purpose and Divine destiny.

We all have come to realize what matters and what doesn't. who matters and who doesn't. Our focus is upon Jesus the Christ. He is the recipient of our attention in life's situations. The truth must prevail and we want to be the carriers of the message that sets men free from the grip of Satan.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Info For Pastors

I asked myself whether or not I could contribute to advising a pastor. After serving as an associate for many years and transitioning to senior pastor I felt some things are missed by the novice who accepts a pastorate for the first time. And so here is a brief word to the newbie.

During your tenure as pastor you will meet many different peoples. Personalities range from the pleasant to the bizarre. Many of these do not have an understanding of what a pastor is and how he/she is accessible, what limitations exist in counseling, how they make a living, et cetera. You will not be able to teach many of them any of this so just move on in a pastoral way.

You will be in the public eye and subject to close scrutiny by most. Both you and your family will be under the microscope. The best way to live is with honesty and a transparency that shows compassion with other attributes and disciplines conducive to being a minister. Live according to the instructions of the pastoral epistles of the New Testament. Know how to answer what you believe, doubting not. Pray. Judge not. Pray. Listen more than you speak. Pray. Study His Word. Pray.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Salute

Today was Veteran's Day and I want to salute all my fellow veterans and current military personnel. I served because I was proud to be an American and was willing to offer my service of loyalty in the U.S. Air Force. In spite of the many varied opinions about military force, I would still be willing to serve for our great country and the founding fathers' principles. There are many faults found in our history but when we looked to values that were Judeo-Christian our nation was blessed. The deviations now found in our government disappointment me. My enlistment can now only be in the capacity as an intercessor-- praying for our country and those responsible for its direction. Join with me and lets fight for a restoration of a world leading nation.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Information Overload?

We live in an era of information overload. With the advent of the internet, satellite TV, cell phones and a multiplicity of other modern hi-tech devises we are influenced or stimulated to act or react to information almost immediately. Care must be taken to weigh the data we are given with some standard that is consistent, reliable, and dependable.

It is critical that we don’t consider everything we read or hear is the absolute truth. The simplistic answer often lies within us. Too many have allowed those truth senses to lie dormant or suppressed. The suppression is dangerous because it permits changes to the norm or obscures the correct conclusion.

Instantaneous information is a useful byte in some instances. There is a serious need for discernment of truth. That may well be the doubt that surfaces and brings to question the validity of a discovery, person, or event.

Will science ever find the missing link? Will they ever scientifically establish the origin of man? Probably not, our rules of scientific proof fail time and again leading us to false assumptions or subsequently disproved conclusions. However, in the pursuit of these God-omitted ventures, other helpful discoveries can be made. That demonstrates what God is able to do; taking something humankind has developed in error and using it to bring about something good.

It is amazing to me that an anthropologist can take a few unearthed bones and with aid of an artist they concoct a complete image of our alleged ancient relative. Absurd and illogical by their standards is what I would conclude. They have no accurate measuring tool, namely that of observation. These inductive reasoning methods are often proven false with the passing of time. And why is it that the discoveries are so sparse and usually in remote locations? This is not to say that the bones or fragments are not of prehistorical origin of some life form. Imagination plays a great role in artistic re-creations that are not verifiable.

We accept many things by faith. Looking at the intricate formation of living organisms, one with a rational mind should conclude that a higher source has created. Perhaps it is the desire for authority or recognition that motivates a researcher to seek out origins with validations. Validation without God always seems to have missing information or errors in conclusion. Is this all because we have so much information available that the truth is hidden in the intricate weave of the whole picture?

As mature adults we must separate fact from fiction.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

An Anniversary Remembrance

This month marks the two year milestone of an ugly attack we experienced as a family. It is an anniversary I wish I would never remember. The personal damage was the most horrendous experience of our lives. Recently our full recovery from this devastating incident has almost been fulfilled. The scab of the wound occasionally gets painfully bumped and we apply bandages.

All of us are better people today than we were two years ago. We have forgiven and moved forward, thus allowing God to resolve the wrong-doing. A glimpse of God’s vengeance in the incident has been recently revealed to me. By His Spirit He told me that I will see His vengeance delivered and it will be soon.

It has been a difficult road but we look forward to reaping greater benefits. We know that we are more than conquerors! We are happy campers! What the devil meant for harm has been turned around for our good “just like the Bible says.”

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Living With Character and Integrity

What has happened to man in his pursuit of living life to the full as set forth in Scripture? Within every human being is the desire to accomplish something in life, hopefully with character and integrity intact after it is done. One must avoid actions like “It doesn’t matter who you step on, friend or foe, while on your way to your self-defined happiness.” An “all about me” generation has stepped on the stage and acted out their lusts. The importance of integrity has faded in this world of corruption. Character and integrity is lost with efforts to be successful at any price.

Our confidence must be placed in a more sure thing. The dependability of God's word rests entirely upon His unchanging character. He is not only the God of truth, He is truth itself. Therefore, we can rely with complete confidence on whatever He says. Balaam spoke of God's trustworthiness when he said, "God is not a man, that He should lie" (Numbers 23:19). Abraham also found this as, "being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He was able also to perform" (Romans 4:21). Looking at God's promise from a human point of view, we might say that He has more at stake than we do. We stand to lose our soul; He stands to lose His character.

During America's dark days of slavery, a man walked up to a young slave on the auctioneer's block and asked, "If I buy you and take you to my beautiful home, will you be honest and truthful?" The black youth responded, "I will be honest and truthful whether you buy me or not." His conduct did not depend on circumstances. He was for real. Likewise, our profession of faith in Christ must always be authentic.

We know that salvation is of the Lord. (Psalms 27:1).

What preserves us? Are we preserved for the moment only later to be consumed by a bigger problem? What=s the use of trying?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A New Chapter

It is a new chapter in our life. Yes, the book is still being written, although recently at times it felt like it ended abruptly. Perhaps it would be better to call it a sequel. Even though others’ decisions have been forced upon us God is turning it to a favorable position for us so the story continues.

We are in a new place that is not necessarily a comfort zone but an opportunity to grow more in God’s grace. It is a place to grow beyond the mundane routine we found ourselves in. There is new vision, new opportunity, new respect and new relationships growing out of the process. It is uncertain where it will finally lead us but we know it will be God’s will.

The sustaining provisions are not what we have been customarily comfortable with; adjustments and compensation must be made. At times it seems awkward. We walk in unfamiliar territory and get a new perspective on the goal set before us. Caution must be taken to avoid destroying what is already ordained of God; at times our feelings must be overruled. The truth will set free.

Our lips must be guarded to avoid doing as we have been done. It is too easy to offer retribution. Loss such as we have experienced is difficult to overcome. There must be a reliance on God to avenge us and we must pray for our enemies. I would not dismiss the judgment that will come without true repentance to those who have knowingly wreaked the disaster.

Less stress in the great advantage discovered in this new chapter. There was so much pressure placed upon us in our former position and God has shown us the relief we can have being removed from that place. It’s an escape from the unreasonable expectations placed upon us by people. The demands of perfection created complex and pointless matters to wade through.

Accountability is the responsible way to conduct life but excessive rules and restrictions that are non-biblical establish horrible expectations that eventually destroy the person. Those who keep score on these trivial matters will doubtless be judged by the same standard. Condemnation tears down a person’s character instead of bringing the much needed biblical edification.

A denomination that has overridden Scripture to enforce lifestyle upon its constituents has overstepped its boundary. Expectation of the presbytery exceeds biblical principles; this is reverting to legalism. The alleged return to the old paths is not the message. It should be a new way, albeit straight and narrow with a Holy God, not a Holy hierarchy. I remain biblically a Pentecostal. I would further qualify my stance by calling myself a Reformed Pentecostal; freed from the radical deviation of rules and orders ascribing to things such as KJV only, avoiding theaters, etc. The particular group of people needs to avoid snubbing the alleged violators of their standards; God will send a rain that will fill up their upturned noses and drown them.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Amazing Race

Television programming is overrun with reality shows with various themes. I enjoy watching The Amazing Race. It involves teams of at least two people in assorted relationships working together through obstacles of time tables, strange cultures and unfamiliar countries with varied challenges to get to a predetermined destination first. The last team to arrive faces elimination. The race doesn't play gender, age, or strength favorites in how it can be won.

There are many legs of the race to complete before there is any respite of struggle. Everything is a test of endurance, cooperation, and chance. Strange places and customs become part of the challenge. It is a test of character and the strength of relationship. There must be resolve and stamina to finish. The teams must take advantage of rest periods.

Particulars of the show include: teamwork, roadblocks, clues, physical and mental challenges, fast forwards, eliminations, travel documents, rewards, etc. The winner's prize is a million dollars.

God has designed a race that has more than a million dollar prize as a final goal. We are teamed with the Holy Spirit. He will assure us of a successful completion because He is our guide.

The preacher puts it like this: Ecclesiastes 9:10-12 “I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.”

If we value what lies at the end of our life then we must know why we were created and the purpose for which we have been called. Paul states it like this, “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.” (Acts 20:23-25)

Interference like roadblocks crop up unexpectedly and totally distract us from the final prize. “You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?” (Galatians 5:6-8)

Our ultimate goal is like the words of Paul in 2 Timothy 4:6-8 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

The Christian race is challenging and filled with many obstacles that are unfamiliar to us. We may have never faced them before. But our success is guaranteed if we follow our teammate’s guidance. The Holy Spirit will not fail us; we will never be left alone although we can act alone. The experiences of the race will enhance our testimony to others.

In our terms we feel like it is a fight or an exhausting race that has challenge after challenge. We mist focus on the prize set before us knowing it will be worth it all. Truly we are in an amazing race to an amazing place.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Today is the 64th anniversary of my birth. Wow! I am amazed that I have aged to this time. A lot of water has gone under the bridge in these years. Wonderful parents nurtured me through my youth. There are so many marvelous memories I have of them. My siblings were also instrumental in my upbringing. Thanks to all of you.

I have experienced many good things. I waited a long time to find my life partner, Carolyn. She became my special Sunhine in 1983. I’ve enjoyed calling her my wife for over 26 years. I thank her for her tolerance in all of my stubborness.

In December 1984 we were blessed to have Micah Allen be our offspring. I appreciate his honor to us. I am happy to call him my son.

In all past birthday celebrations I have not seen so much well-wishing that I have this year. has enhanced ability of people to respond readily and easily to give well-wishes. Technology is wonderful! Thanks to all my family and friends!

Most of all my thanks go from my heart to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So many times I would be so lost without Him to guide me. He is my strong tower in times of storm; life is not always smooth sailing.

I feel so blessed!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Marketing Under A New Paradigm

The more things change, the more they are the same. [Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose] -Alphonse Karr, Les Guêpes, January, 1849

I know hospitals as places where acute and basic medical care is administered. Now these institutions are using terms like “medical center” to describe their business. But I would note that their original intent is still to provide medical care. Only the name has changed and their services becoming more advanced and specialized. These institutions remain by true definition a hospital with their original intent and purpose still the primary focus.

In the past few months I have noticed a lot of advertisings or postings by pastors and staff about events they stage at their church. Some omit the word “church”; I surmise that the new paradigm prefers the use of “campus” or other titles of sponsorship. I know that “campus” had been a term specifically to describe a place of education, and of course the church needs to be a place of learning.

Why this shift in names now? The auto industry employed the term “station wagon” a few decades ago but now it’s called an SUV. These vehicles are improved but still serve as transportation for a family. The caution I offer is to watch out for trends for the sake of trends. Is the campus still giving sound teaching and enabling transport to heaven?

It’s all about marketing your “product.” It may be easier for some people to attend such meeting on a campus. The term releases a preconceived stigma attached to this institution known as a church. To use a cliché, maybe it is a trick of the trade. Is that sugar-coating the Gospel? Whatever the reason, the leadership of the campus must be sure the message is the same and the original intent and purpose remains. I do not believe God erred when He put His plans together in the Bible. He definitely knows marketing but He leaves it up to His ordained to follow the plan.

It is not being puritanical to preach the unadulterated Word of God. Although it is not a matter of sales for profit, it must be marketed to the public in a fashion that enlarges God’s Kingdom. It is a serious thing to remember that all things done in the church or on a campus must be Spirit driven. God will not share His glory with any one. It is not about marketing your program or agenda, rather it is about giving Jesus to the spiritually hungry and thirsty.

I’ve also noticed many churches establishing unique names to identify their mission. There is a tendency to get away from denominational connections. This may be a step in the right direction. The covering of a hierarchy has turned from true support into a set of useless codifications that hamper the expansion of the church. The umbrella of covering that a church needs is the blood of Christ and the by-laws of Scripture.

The church is not a theater, circus, or carnival. Does your campus entertain the attendees? Call it a tabernacle, church, or campus; your marketing must be such to exhibit the transforming, nourishing, and sustaining power of God. There must be integrity in your outreach to the community.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What Would You Do?

Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. [NIV]

An aged sage once quoted this statement to me, “Advice is free, counsel will cost you, but if you can use either one it’s a miracle.” I believe this quote expresses the frustration of so many counselees. Our friends are often like Job’s counselors of old. They make analysis from a narrow perspective and dole out opinion that is often in error.

For counselors there is a tremendous challenge to assist people in overcoming difficulties in their life. A Godly counselor needs to have the Word of the Lord as his qualifying certification. The experience factor must take second seat to prayer and Scripture. Care must be taken in weighing the facts. Measuring with false scales can easily skew the results.

Scripture is to be the supreme authority in the church but is often used out of context or to justify a particular position. Many times it is described as “license” to make a point. It should always be the Spirit that gives approval, correction, or blessing on the exhortation of the Word and the application to a particular situation. I am amazed at the amount of unsolicited or inappropriate advice and counsel given from the pulpit and pastor’s office. This occurs when there is an omission of prayer and close examination of Scripture in relation to the problem. It is difficult to separate opinion from fact at times.

I recognize and have experienced anointing that comes upon us for the purpose of Godly edification. We cannot omit this anointing in the God-ordained individual if we practice counseling. A note of caution: Do not focus on your skill; rather give attention to the Divine. Having emotional or relationship ties doesn’t make us an authority on a particular matter. The connection may mean you are too close to the trees to see the forest on fire. The consideration must be the result of such guidance. Will the receiver be edified?

The sad thing to me is when a person attains a leadership position and gets a little exposure in that place, suddenly they become experts. They seem to hand out advice and opinions on issues that they do not have full knowledge of even though they use Scripture to support their position. I would point out that even Satan quoted Scripture, (out of context). It may be solely due to their assumption of having authority and showing their skill of directing others. Flaunting authority is the beginning of arrogant anarchy.

We definitely need to seek God on matters and listen to His direction. The advice and counsel given by friends and others should be weighed in God’s scale first. Our decisions will lead us through tough times when we adhere to those principles.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What's Motivating?

Survival is the primary motivator. The level of comfort in your survival will determine the level of mental and physical exertion, with a will to live one will do the needed thing to survive. Opportunity becomes the second factor of motivation. Assessing the present opportunity; then responding in desire promotes improved survival probability or the next level of success. Key elements are desire followed by interest.

Too often the less fortunate don’t avail themselves of opportunity. Perhaps this is due to fear of failure and inadequacy instilled by years of lack. Settling for mediocrity should not be an option. One cannot allow others to stymie emergent opportunities by raining on the parade of possibility. Cover yourself with the umbrella of fortitude. Stick to the task even if you initially fail; learn from the failure.

Each person has to look at themselves in a mirror of truth and see beyond the physical into an inner strength. This force can be the dynamics of success and must surface in that individual. A new attitude will be developed and possibilities begin to transform the image seen into an unfolding improvement.

Wallowing in self pity or deprivation will not get one out of the mire of self-defeat. Ignoring opportunity because of fear will lead to self-destruction. Take the chance, exert an effort. Demonstrate to the observing doubter that you can and will do your best to make a difference in life for yourself and others. Accept the challenge and at least defend your right to succeed.

Dare to dream. Do it early in life. Seek wisdom. Get motivated to act immediately. Receive praise of success graciously when offered. Let those things become motivators toward better things in your life. Avoid becoming aloof from prior associations as long as they are encouragers to your motivation. Avoid those that say you can’t or if they express jealousy over your accomplishments. Watch out for over-confidence that will destroy your personage.

We must know we have a destiny in life. Each has been given life and it is their choice to live it fully and fulfill that destiny by giving it their all. Find contentment in your life’s assignment but always pursue improvement. Take advantage of the time you have been allotted, make each hour count and yet acquire rest for body and soul.

Above all, give honor to God, who gives liberally to those who walk in His righteousness. Include Him in your plans, seek His advice and counsel and then follow.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Autumn is a particularly extraordinary time of year for me. I believe it may have to do with the end of a hot period, i.e., summer. The cooling down towards winter and advancement to a new year could be another reason for this viewpoint. Then too October is my birth month. Perhaps it’s a connection to my school year beginning. For 13 years I was a student and knew Fall as a time to walk into classrooms to add to my knowledge and understanding after a summer of rest.

Since those school years were very influential, I have an affinity for this time of year. This is not to conclude that it is my only nostalgic time but rather a perpetual impacting. I feel the cooler breezes. I hear the rustling of leaves in the trees preparing to fall upon the ground. I see the shortening of daylight. Combined with many other fall events, I begin the recollection of days gone by.

Now that I am older, and hopefully wiser, I sit and assess life as it passes. My wish is that it would slow down. I want to dream more. There are things I would like to do, and do again or do over. If I am not careful I find myself wasting valuable time in the land of my past. Yet I cannot totally fault this waste because it gives me greater appreciation for the simple things I took for granted in days gone by.

Not only is it things I reminisce about, but I reflect on family and friends that I knew during those times. Some of them I miss greatly. There have been those who have added great value to my life by speaking positively in to my life. My parents were more confident in me than I was in myself. Even in their lack they gave me so much. They expressed pride in what I did and who I had become as a young man. I respected them and other mentors who influenced my life.

My longing for days gone by is not commanding for an extensive period of time. My feelings for those times are just long enough to make me cherish the present memorable moments. This lets me know my past had valuable moments and relationships. I know quite well that I cannot relive in actuality the memories, but I can certainly have times of nostalgia. The moments of recall need to contribute to my present and future. Then they too can be shared with others for their benefit.

I may not be popular or well known. My wisdom may be minuscule compared to others in this world. But I remain a contributor to someone somewhere. The assignment of living must be done with the best intentions for the best results possible. It is up to me to demonstrate a hope in spite of any negative happening. The positive events of my life remain the nostalgia I want to hold on to.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Objects and tools that are at our disposal can be a blessing or a curse. The result is mainly dependent upon our usage and careful evaluation. Training is also a vital part.

The internet is an awesome source of information. It is a wealth of resources; but it is an example of a tool that can be misused. A criminal can be tracked or a criminal can track. You can use it to converse with a loved one anywhere on earth or you can use it to communicate hatred e-mails and pornography.

The hammer can be used to build a house or as a weapon to knock somebody in the head bringing great bodily harm. Do we ban the hammer? Must we throw the baby out with the bath water? So what do we do? It all boils down to CONTROL and DISCIPLINE.

Communicating control and discipline begins with the child. (Note: Some adults need to revert to becoming a child willing to learn new disciplines.) Parents must begin the task of training their children. We cannot rely upon a failing government controlled system of schools that only has the state’s interest at heart. Too much change and digression from Godly principles has generated a new era of teaching humanistic thought which fails our national patriotism and purpose. Government should be for the good of the people.

The laws that govern us have become extremely cumbersome and ambiguous. Volumes of precedence pack the shelves of attorneys that argue before the courts over minute points. Energy is wasted on so many trivial torts. Judges who are supposed to interpret the law are legislating to validate their decisions.

It is no longer a matter of good vs. evil. The difficulty is an overabundance of areas called “gray”. The absurdity of this coloration is a lack of basic distinction that allows society to work together in harmony and in accordance with basic God given laws.

Perfection has been infected with viral misinterpretations of factual information. It was a perfect world until knowledge became distorted with the downloading of the wrong fruit, (Eve and Adam). Temptation overruled the innocence of man. Everything seems to have gone down hill since then. Our conscience became our guide and it had been beguiled.
How can this be corrected? First, we must recognize the need to return to good and abandon evil. Second, we must have a restoration of truth. This can only be done with someone who has laid the foundation for good and truth. God wanted to see this occur so He sent His only begotten Son to start the process. It was not a pretty sight for the cost of this redemption of humanity but it works. Our cure lies in putting confidence in God’s provision of Jesus.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Give God His Space

Well, I haven’t posted to my blog for several days. The old thought machine wouldn’t process through to the keyboard without glitches. This seems to be some kind of recurring problem l encounter as a writer trying to get it from the brain to the page. It must have something to do with the weather.

With my brain blockage I have to turn to other sources. The following little condensation from Steve Brown was posted on a recent e-mail and I want to share it with all my “ministry” comrades. It is a piece of advice that I approve and wish I could have thought of it originally. Here it is for your edification or degradation:

One of the most wonderful facts I ever learned was that I didn't have to be God. I used to feel that if I failed, or just let something fall through the cracks, all God planned for the church I served and the people I loved would come to naught. I sometimes think that if I didn't act responsibly and if I don't do the right thing, all God's plans for the world will come to a devastating end. Isn't that silly? I'm not God, and He didn't ask me to be His substitute. What a tremendous relief!
"Son," the Father said one day, "For a while do me a favor. Quit trying to help me. I was doing all right before you came on the scene and I probably won't do so bad after you're gone. So would you just let up a bit? I did. Nothing came apart. In fact, things got better, and for the first time in my life, I was free.
------Condensed from the book "When Being Good Isn't Good Enough" by Steve Brown.

So now I ask, what do you think? Can you really grasp your duty in the work you’ve been called to do? Remember, it is not about you or me; it is all about God and his plan. Don’t let your ego ruin it for you and perhaps someone else as well, causing God turn to an alternative plan.

Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it. -Colin Powell

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Autumn was approaching like a slow freight train. It was a moonless night. The stars appeared as diamonds on black velvet. An eerie silence hung in the air like a stage curtain ready to open. The night air had chilled my body like the vent of an air conditioner. On the front porch I was enjoying the quietness of the late night and anticipating my next move.

Abruptly the darkness and stillness was interrupted with sirens piercing the solitude. The neighborhood dogs began to bark incessantly. Whatever I was thinking about vanished like the stillness itself. Blinking red and blue lights appeared in the distance as the sounds became louder.

I got up from my lounging chair and began to walk toward the street to get a better view of what was appearing in the distance. I almost tripped on the step catching myself by grabbing a flimsy bush limb. I continued cautiously trying to focus on the lights in the distance. Then it happened.

A distinct noise I hadn’t expected in the interrupted quietness of the dark night. The hiss was clear; I had just stepped on the freshly mown lawn with my sandaled feet.

In a split second I was in the middle of the lawn where automatic sprinklers had come on and I was getting showered in the now semi darkness. The chilling water soaked my lower body rapidly and I started to shiver in the cool night air. I hastily moved back toward the porch. A bright light broke into my personal space instantly giving me sight to get out of the sprinklers. I had activated the sensor on the porch light with my move across the lawn. I decided to retreat to the house.

By the time I reached the front door of my house the noisy vehicles pulled up in front of my house. Before I knew it voices penetrated the night air and beams from flashlights were being waved toward me and I was told stop and get down on the ground. I knew they meant what they said as I glanced at several firearms pointed purposely in my direction.

I was stunned. What had I done? What is going on? My voice was gone; I couldn’t vocalize these questions at all. The night was darker than ever in this nightmare. I continued to hear commands from gruff and commanding voices. The crackling of police radios pulsated in my ears.

The cold hard concrete was chilling my damp body even more as I lay prone. I was shivering uncontrollably. By this time two officers had grabbed my arms and forcibly pulled me to my feet and slapped cuffs on my wrists behind my back. I was feeling abused and degraded. Voices were shouting and commanding all kinds of things. Some officers still had their guns pointed at me.

I was scared. The wetness of the sprinklers was all I felt. My kidneys had let go and I felt a warm but wet sensation between my shaking legs. This was total shock. How would I escape from the cuffs? Again and again the question was, Why? What had I done to deserve such harsh and cruel treatment?

Suddenly another sound pierced the air. It was a buzzing noise. Ah, yes, the alarm had sounded and it was time to get up and go to work. Boy! What a nightmare! Wait until my wife and co-workers hear about this adventure.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

It Needs to be Said

Sometimes it is necessary to get it off your chest. Well, here goes. It has often been said, “If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen!” But being kicked out is another story.

Life deals blows without regard to our feelings or positions. Often we are disrespected as comrades or family. People that cannot take criticism will find difficulty in getting through life without unnecessary trauma. I have experienced many emotions during the past several months. There have been moments of complete reactive anger at individuals and their lack of compassion. The hypocrisy is rampant among those that preach biblical values for living. Two-faced religious morons are running rampant in our world.

I can take abuse and mistreatment because the truth sustains me. Everyone is subject to criticism of their words, beliefs, and actions. This happens because we live in a world of diversity. Though we may adhere firmly to our positions, lessons can be learned if the criticism is used constructively. It shouldn’t matter if it is delivered in a favorable manner or not.

Being offended and giving offense is inevitable if you are a living, breathing human being. Our reaction to offenses will determine our future. Yes, I have been offended. And yes, I have recovered. The principle is to learn from all situations. I cannot fret over bad stuff and what should have been, but I can avoid it repeating.

Through my recent betrayal I have resigned myself to accept the results knowing they have worked out for my good. But it remains an awful feeling to have had a close friend of like profession call you a thief to someone else and deny you audience to explain and question the involvement. I call it slanderous and malicious intent to practice nepotism. It is flagrant abuse of power.

In my opinion there was ulterior motive that moved a leader to make such statement. I would welcome a rebuttal if deemed a necessary defense. That would be better than the total abandonment I have been delivered. In my usual gentle way I have allowed the powers that be walk all over me. Maybe the win is on their side for now but I would remind them that you reap what you sow.

The demeanor in which the situation was handled to remove me instantaneously from my livelihood was clearly a matter of collusion without regard for my personal interests and defense. The intent was to harm. To not even face me was a travesty, instead he sent his "hit" man. Wimpy methodology.

The action was carried out in a spineless manner. It was done with malicious intent which was unethical, illegal and unchristian. You cannot cover the action with any amount of paint and make it go away. Judgment day will reveal the intricate plotting that was revealed to me through a prophecy from an uninvolved person.

Do not call me friend and refuse to call me. If you cared you would have already addressed me or paid a visit to me. You have my number which remains the same. You know my address. You have acted in an unprofessional way and I put you in the category of Pharisee. Don’t cover up your sin by convincing others you are a godly person through religious practices.

It may sound like I am bitter. I am not, for I am better off. Today I am out from under the pressure of excessive legalism and control by the uneducated or immature. Since separation my vision of the forest is clearer, too close to the trees blocked the truth.

It may sound like I have not followed the Scripture in forgiveness. However, when you consider the responsibility of an office held by a superior there is a precedent of how a leader should lead. It is a two-way street,.

I did not initiate the action that brought my dismissal – the leader permitted it. To say he had nothing to do with it is preposterous and without foundation, the very position served as support and anchor of the certainty for the action. The office should have served as a mediation tool to bring reconciliation. You cannot hope to resolve conflict without a close examination of both sides. Permission was granted for such action to take place and there is guilt of malpractice in the position of authority and leadership.

An apology would be in order. Friendship will never be the same; the water of time has damaged the bridge to that type of relationship.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


“Qui est près de l’église est souvent loin de Dieu (He who is near the Church is often far from God).” —Les Proverbes Communs. Circa 1500. John Heywood. (1497?–1580?)

In a routine search of the internet I discovered the above quote. It aroused my interest to discuss on my blog. Although the quote was recorded in the 16th century I believe it is relevant yet today. My approach to discuss this statement is not with intent to degrade the work of the church. That is as long as it conforms to God’s purpose and plan established in Scripture. Rather, it is of concern for leaving God out of the plan.

My question would be: Why was or is such statement issued? There must be something of a problem in the church as an organization to warrant such pronouncement. After all, Jesus declared He would “build His church.” Would we dare declare such a negative thing as cited above in light of Jesus’ involvement? It has been said that the church should be a living, breathing organism. The true church is thus made up of living souls of men, women, and children and clearly proclaims Deity.

My consideration of this statement leads me to believe man has placed erroneous emphasis on the purpose of the church. Perhaps it is replacing God with a religion.

A Godly spiritual person can recognize the truth of the statement. The rules and systems of the church have become controlling factors without the due recognition of God. When the church operation deviates from its Godly purpose then it brings separation from God.

It is evident to me that this statement holds true throughout history unto the present day. When emphasis and nearness is placed upon the church rather than the supreme founder of the church, then we have lost focus of its original intent and purpose.

The church is a significant tool designed by God to enable people to congregate and worship Him in unity. Within that realm are the teaching of Scripture, singing of Psalms and hymns and witness of God’s works. The corporate assembly is a strengthening element for those of like faith. We are instructed by the Word to encourage one another daily, the church becomes a means to do that. Scripture instructs us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Everything points to the need of such institution, but the institution cannot become greater than the purpose for which it was designed.

Being nearer to the church than God occurs when the building and accoutrements become idolized. Those things to manage and make a church useful should never take precedence over the presentation of God’s plan within the framework Jesus established. The nearness to the church oft far from God, where “oft” is the key word, does not say the church should be eliminated from our worship by any means.

The more we advance in our knowledge of God, i.e., maturing, (see my earlier blog) the easier it will be to understand the means (e.g., the institution of the church) of His special presence. Balance is the key factor. I believe this is where the spirit within us gives direction that exalts God as was the intent of His establishment of the church. Thus in His exaltation He moves to save, heal, and bless. Place your affection on Jesus not on the aesthetics around you. God will visit where people are in one mind and one accord.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Believe I Can Fly

Psalms 55:6 “And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.” and Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

I have great interest in flight. Refer to my post of July 17, 2009.

Centuries of dreaming, study, speculation, and experimentation preceded the first successful flight. The ancient legends contain numerous references to the possibility of movement through the air. Philosophers believed that it could be accomplished by imitating the wing motions of birds, and by using smoke or other lighter-than- air media. The first form of aircraft made was the kite, about the 5th century BC. In the 13th century, the English monk Roger Bacon conducted studies that led him to the conclusion that air could support a craft in the same manner that water supports boats. At the beginning of the 16th century, Leonardo da Vinci gathered data on the flight of birds and anticipated developments that subsequently became practical. Among his important contributions to the development of aviation were his invention of the propeller, and the parachute. He conceived three different types of heavier-than-air craft: an ornithopter, a machine with mechanical wings designed to flap like those of a bird; a helicopter, designed to rise by the revolving of a rotor on a vertical axis; and a glider, consisting of a wing fixed to a frame on which a person might coast on the air. Leonardo's concepts involved the use of human muscular power, quite inadequate to produce flight with the craft that he pictured. Nevertheless, he was important because he was the first to make scientific proposals.

Long before Leonardo made his scientific proposal God set in motion a plan for the flight of his people. He was not concerned so much with the natural applications of flight as with the spiritual need that would put humanity on a higher plane of vision. Today ‘thrust’ has replaced ‘horsepower.’

I believe I can fly ... because I want to be free. “Free as a bird” The enviable advantage the bird seems to have in its ability to fly. I must place my “affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:2.

I believe I can fly ... because God has purpose for me my allegiance is to Him.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matt 6:33.

He set in motion the necessary provisions for me to acquire my “wings.” I must follow his instructions. Because I have an Interest in reaching heaven. I need training to get my “ratings”. There is ground school, perhaps tedious study, safety in take offs and landings — touch and goes. At times I need to be alone in solo time.

There is so much to see. I may soar in the local area for a time. Then I want to begin reaching out and do cross country flight. Soon I want to fly in bad weather so I have to trust instruments.

I believe I can fly ... because I want to see things from a heavenly perspective — ‘birds-eye-view’ The lay of the land, God’s promise. I like seeing beyond tomorrow’s horizon. And with the proper training and provisions I can rise above the storms of life. I must learn my limitations. I have to Recognize stalls, spins, and other hazards of life happenings.

It is excellent in knowing what gives ‘lift’ --- God is our source. How long to soar and when to rest.

I believe I can fly ... because I will be ‘caught up’. Ahhh most excellent future!
“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
1Thessalonians 4:17

It means a permanent escape from this world system is coming. Gravity will no longer bar me from attaining new heights. God will allow the believer to overcome the natural law and change us forever!

I believe you can fly . . .
1. God loves you
2. He will guide you
3. You can ‘enroll’ in flight training now!
Trust in the Lord and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your “flight.”

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Disappointment With Church

The Book of The Revelation gives us information about Jesus’ disgust with the churches of Asia. The seven churches typify the churches of today. He has somewhat against them. I would call that disappointment. My credential for writing on this subject is a lifetime of church involvement including teaching and pastoring. That means over 45 years of active church work. Admittedly I fell into some of the matters that follow.

I am truly disappointed in the organized church. Maybe I’ve implied this in previous posts. Well, there is a reason for me to return to the subject. Enlightenment comes to clarify issues of such nature because of its urgency.

Some will be offended at my observations. They may disagree in part or whole, but I ask for consideration.

The purpose of the church (ekklessia – called out ones) is stated by God through His Word. I fear that the church of today in general has stepped out of that plan. I personally know that I should never be a man pleaser over pleasing God. God’s ordination is far above man’s certification.

My purpose is to draw attention to the need of following the whole Gospel. Is your church really a part of the body of Christ? Is it true to the name over the door? Does it adhere to sound biblical doctrine?

I have been exposed to many denominations and listened to their messages. The delineation of doctrinal differences are really not the issue. Do they preach Christ crucified, buried, resurrected and coming again?

God didn’t allow the existence of the church exclusively for programs. His great purpose was to bring the gift of salvation to as many who would receive it. He is not willing to see any perish through sin and damnation. I don’t see any record of Jesus thumping the Torah at a podium, or spitting in the face of his listeners. There is a reference in response to the disgracing of His Father’s house appropriately enough where he acts forcibly with rightful authority. He once used spittle to cure blindness. Can you do that, preacher? Jesus also had to deal with the religious of His day. It cost His life but resulted in salvation for many.

I believe a major contribution to the problem in organized religion lies in the legislative structure forced upon us by civil governments. Churches are administered like a business rather than God’s institution. Added to that is man’s teaching of philosophies and ideologies that conflict with the context of the Bible.

Control by the misguided results in a loss of contact with the voice of God – a most critical element for the true church. His voice is loud and clear, firstly and foremost through the Bible. The Pharisee and Sadducee of Jesus’ day were focused on tradition and missed the revelation for the present. They were more concerned with their personal preservation and authority than correctly examining Scripture about God’s plan.

A lack of devotion and prayer will contribute to a faithless generation. The major disciplines of Scripture are missing in much of church leadership. Perhaps it is not the fault of the individual as much as the regime and traditional precedents set by other churchmen.

Our civil government has put requirements on the church. The laws say we must have articles of corporation, a constitution, and bylaws among many other legal stipulations. Intent may be justifiable but is often distracting from the real purpose. This is certainly not separation of church and state that is so loudly declared in the liberal godless media.

The focus in church is too often upon the charisma of man rather than the Spirit of God that is supposed to be operating through him. When man’s goals and agendas supersede God’s plan and message then the church is leaning toward apostasy. The church exists by Jesus’ declaration, not man’s corporation or programs.

Accountability is an important tool of leaders. The basis of accountability has been greatly misconstrued by aforementioned reasons. A true accountability must be from the biblical perspective. If one is not willing to be accountable unto God then it follows that he will not likely be submissive to God. How can he lead to someone if he disobeys that someone?

The Bible must be central to the message of any church. If a church doesn’t align itself to the premises found in God’s Word then they have no basis to be called church in that context. They have become a religious club. The motivation is to become big by number of attendees or membership. It would be best to let God keep the records and the preacher gives the message. Too many leaders want to keep score, referee and play the game. That truly is impossible.

The pastoral staff must be one in process. The mission must be aligned to the Scripture. The one head that turns the church must be fully committed to the call of that office. They should be a person of integrity and live holy as God defines holiness. They must be separate from the world. A development of the spiritual disciplines should be demonstrated without self-edification. It cannot be just a ‘say so’ but a ‘walk so’. It has often been said: “Lead by example.”

Any praise for today’s church must be given with regard to an adherence of Godly instructions from the Bible. I am sure there are isolated groups of worshippers who follow the biblical principles. They may well be regarded as rebels by organized groups. Christ declares, “. . . I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” So in spite of the seeming negativity expressed here, there is a God who is working through a dedicated people called His church, not a denomination or movement.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Family Resemblances

I have noticed a lot of pictures being posted on the internet sites. Oh, the convenience of digital photographs. They help us capture a lot of expression. They help capture the past, or so it seems. Video cameras help capture a lot of young ones at play. Most people love to look at the Family Photo Album or watch the videos. They will post to Youtube, and send e-mail attachments. We reminisce about past moments-- sad and happy.

Looking at captured images we express, "Ah, Oh, they are the splitting (or is it 'spitting') image of his father"; and, "She reminds me so much of her mother." "He is a chip off the old block." "The nut didn't fall far from the tree." We also have the remark when someone sees us with our child after a long time and say, "My how they have grown, they are looking more and more like their parent." A "likeness" has been visualized.

Whose picture do you carry in your wallet? What have you posted to the world wide web? Are you proud of them?

When people see us as a Christian, do they remark, "He/She has become more Godly than when I last saw them." Not the appearance necessarily, but the attitude about life.

Holiness is simply defined as that which is set apart unto God. The process is defined as sanctification. Does God address us as a saint? Is he posting our antics proudly to the heavenly web?

1Peter 1:16 says, "Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I (God) am holy."

Hebrews 12:14 "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:"

"Not every one that said unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." (Matt. 7:21)

Holiness is more than a matter of what we refrain from doing, although it includes that.
Holiness is a separation from something, because it is a separation unto something else.

We resemble our Father. Because God loved . . . we love.

You are not whole (complete) until you're holy.

Monday, July 20, 2009


It has been a scorcher of a day, especially if you've had to work outside here in the California San Joaquin Valley. I think the temperature reached 105 or more today. I am thankful for a desk job during these times. In fact, I am thankful for my job and the favor God has given me.

This is not the only thing I am thankful for. This week my Sunshine (Carolyn) and I will be celebrating our 26th wedding anniversary. In fact it will be on July 23. Can you believe it? To me it doesn't seem like that long ago we said the "I do's". But we did.

Sunshine, I wish we could do the Alaska cruise this year. Maybe next. Anyway I wanted you to know that I love you so much. You have been there with me through the tough times of ministry. You are ever a support even if I get testy over some things once in a while. Your faith in God really carries me sometimes because I feel like mine went down the tubes with all that has happened recently.

I must remember that we live by faith and payday will come in God's time. He will repay. I ask you and God to forgive me of my short-comings and failures. What do you say to keep on plugging and doing what God wants us to do in spite of people's ignorance? Yeah, I'm for that!

Together we will make it because it is in His plan that is for good. God doesn't want to harm us but He has made us strong. We are proven to be tough, enduring believers. No man or woman can steal our victory. We are accountable only to Him.

Carolyn, please know you are my best friend, companion, wife, mother to our son, and my lover.
Thanks for always being there for me. I want to be there for you. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Friday, July 17, 2009


I spent almost four years serving our country in the U.S. Air Force rarely leaving the terra firma. I was tethered to a desk in the travel finance department.
After my discharge I decided to learn how to fly. Isn’t that a kick? Someone said I couldn’t do it, so I proved them wrong.

I signed up for flight lessons at the local airport after a brief flight in a small prop plane of my brother’s brother-in-law. I had been hooked. The sky and clouds appealed to my inner sense of flying above it all.

My lessons began with my instructor, a former Air Force pilot, in a Cessna 150. He said I was a natural. They said I could get my training for a private pilot license for a mere $600.

After passing a physical and flying the required instructor ride-along hours I was allowed to solo. It was awesome! I in the left seat of a small plane and nothing but the sky . . . . flying like a bird. The feeling is awsome and the vision is definitely birds-eye.

I loved to plan my flights, read aerial charts, check the weather and file a flight plan. I did have the FAA looking for me on one occasion. I had an ETA that had been miscalculated, whoops! The instructor was with me and we had flown to a controlled field and had a lunch. At least then I knew that the FAA was taking their job seriously.
My first instructor committed suicide. Not because of my flying, but he was a retired military man who nipped a bit much liquor. (I wondered what was in his thermos he took on each flight.) He was suffering from poor health and depression.

My replacement instructor was also a retired military pilot. He was younger and a bit more intense but I seemed to meet his expectations readily. There were tight turns, steep banks, spins, and stalls. I also had to fly under the hood, meaning using the instruments only to fly straight and level. That is challenging. Of course take-offs and landings were a part of each lesson. I did cross country trips, short field landings and many other necessary maneuvers to prepare for my check test flight.

I took the written exam and passed. Ground school was fairly easy. After just about 80 hours of flying I was able to take my check ride. It was on my birthday in October and towards the evening. I plotted out the course to a destination I had never been to and successfully passed my flight test. We returned to home base just after dusk without having to complete one leg of the trip. He knew I would be a good pilot.

Shortly afterwards I purchased my own airplane. It was a 1947 Stinson Station Wagon. This was a tail dragger that I had to have a couple of lessons in before taking possession. It was a four place that had awesome climbing ability with a 165 horsepower Franklin engine. It was N907D, red with white trim.

I based the plane as a tie-down at a small crop duster field (now closed) near my residence. The runway was an unlighted field with black macadam surface. The approach was over a golf course with tall cypress trees and power lines. At the end of this short runway were power lines also and a walnut orchard across the road.

I usually took day flights after work in the summer. However, one evening I decided to fly just as dusk was settling in. The plane had a dead battery. I asked for an assist prop pull-through from a fellow flyer. He obliged and I was soon in the air. I flew over the city and watched as lights began to come on. After a time I figured my battery would be recharged enough so I headed back to the field and set up for my final approach. As I cut power over the golf course my instrument panel went black. I had no way to assess my airspeed for approach so I had to abort or land by the seat of my pants. I decided immediately to put down and take the latter option. No landing light on the plane, no lights on the field. It was dark. I didn’t get panicky until after I taxied to my tie down. I thank God for one dark but safe landing and promised not to do that again.

Another adventurous situation occurred when I landed on a small grass strip and took off. The undercarriage of my fuselage had ripped (it was a fabric covered airframe). I landed at another field that I had moved the plane to and exited the aircraft to discover the damage. Fabric was hanging loose for several feet under the belly of the plane. I was heartsick.

My brother-in-law and I took a couple of rolls of duct tape and proceeded to patch the hole. We layered it so the air flow wouldn’t tear it. It worked, for shortly afterwards I took the plane back to the other airport and sold it to another pilot who was also an aircraft mechanic. I took a loss but got out from under the cost of owning my own airplane.

I gave $4000 for the plane, sold it for $2500 and now if restored it would be worth over $40,000. Oh well!

My piloting days are over. My vision is declining along with my reaction time. I best leave flying up to the young and more experienced. I miss it some days more than others when I look up in the sky at other aircraft droning through the air.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I can best write of my personal experience about life. My life is rich although limited economically. I have not had the fortune of great wealth although I have been blessed with adequacy. This will limit my perspective on issues that are tied to life struggles in the area of riches.

The poverty stricken is apt to experience stress in survival necessities, i.e., food, clothing and shelter. These three things are the basics for long survival. Health is a very critical factor and I don’t mean to leave that part out intentionally. The wealthier may have stress of maintaining a lifestyle they are accustomed to. Hence, everybody on the face of this earth experiences struggles. Sickness is indiscriminate when it comes to wealth.

Can one put their trust in wealth? No, because there are many stories of failures in the life of the rich and famous. The stress is there. Of recent note is the terrible economy. Many have lost life savings and fortunes. Often poor health has brought on their struggles. Humanity is all subject to becoming poor. How can we escape?

The rescue can happen in the midst of the most catastrophic event. It involves a confidence in a dependable source. I believe that is why the spiritually minded have greater peace in times of stress than those without such faith. It is imperative that humanity recognize specific purpose in life as opposed to randomness or luck of the draw. The losses I’ve had are turned into lessons I’ve learned.

It is most difficult for logic and reasoning that goes beyond the natural to capture the foundational premises of Christianity. The true belief of Christians lies within a person. The historical Jesus came to bring life and a hope of a brighter future in a time of great turmoil in humanity. The key is acceptance of Him and confidence in His declarations. You must realize there is no promise of restoration to our liking. When we become His, He makes us what we need to be for the greater cause.

The promise of contentment in whatever state (condition, circumstance) we are in is conveyed by the learned Paul the Apostle. His struggles certainly demonstrate a deep dependence upon a higher power. He was a man of means who, because of his choice to be a disciple of Christ, was denigrated and imprisoned. His greatest work was done at the seeming low point in his life. In fact we use him as example of the keeping power of God for all trials and tribulations we face. There was a “knowing” that maintained his life along the way. He not only knew, but he was persuaded of a better outcome.

If you are living this life; breathing, communicating, etc., then you will have struggles. But be assured your life is being tested for purpose. Don’t blow it! Find the inner strength to believe and follow Christ regardless of problems.

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Tribute to My Mentor

I had reached a point in my life where I believed I was mature. After serving almost four years in the U.S. Air Force I thought my future would unfold to my personal desires and goals. For fifteen months I had found an inner strength to be pure while most of my peers caroused and practiced sinful ways in the Philippines. It was a struggle. But even in that place God planted a seed in my heart to study His Word. Through my mother's prayers I maintained my faith in God, becoming a student of the Bible.

God brought me safely home and I floundered in continuing education and working. I needed to find my God given destiny. It was early in 1973. Less than four years after coming home, my faith-strong Mother passed away. What was I to do? She was a spiritual tower for me. Shortly after her death my things were packed and I moved to a new city, Santa Cruz, California. It was not my comfort zone at first. However, God eventually fixed my heart to settle in for a season. He intervened with an excellent job with benefits.

But more than that, God placed a spiritual mentor in my path. Pastor James H. Salters. This man took confidence in me and loved me as only a spiritual father can. When I met him I did not sense my own hunger for counsel and acceptance. His was not a smothering love or forceful discipline. Yet he was not wishy-washy in his own convictions. He was firm but gentle with me. It is difficult to explain the influence he had on my future because it is so vast from the inward place. He was not pushy, just faithful. Perhaps he did not know that he was mentoring me. I know I was not a perfect recipient. He gave me opportunity to serve in ministry, valuing my God given gift of teaching. His confidence in my ability became my confidence to walk in obedience to my call.

Time would bring me to applying for ministerial credentials because of his guidance. No, he never as much as mentioned that process to me, but when I walked into his office that particular evening and asked for a ministerial application, you could sense an awesome spiritual victory in his eyes. His full support followed me throughout the process.

Soon after this I came to his office with Carolyn, who was soon to be my wife. Together we listened to his counsel, again given with gentleness and confidence. Months later he joined us together in Holy matrimony and we began life together, loving God and working together for the Kingdom.

After a time we had to part the physical presence of my mentor, but his spirit always was before us. Several years and events passed, we saw him less frequently, but continued to value his counsel whenever we saw him. We always anticipated seeing him at a district meeting. He occasionally sent timely handwritten words by letter, arriving in our mail box just in the nick of time for our edification and encouragement.

As God would have it, we came full circle to reconnect with him eye to eye for over two years. We came to pastor a church near his place of residence. We got to visit him regularly. Our conversations were of many varying spiritual things and of mutual acquaintances we had come to know along the way. It was a time to converse positively of God's greatness and faithfulness, and then petition through prayer for our needs.

As our reconnecting advanced, his conversation turned to his going home. He felt the tug of heaven. The love he had was not faded; it was merely seen in light of his soon to be manifested faith. He longed to be with Jesus and reunite with those who had gone before him. He spoke of it during every visit. It wasn’t spoken with sadness but with expectancy.

There is not a large accumulation of material goods that he leaves for his heirs. But I sense something far greater. Look at the ministry he cultivated in the multitude of family and friends. His investment is eternal. A tremendous wealth of eternal offerings that will only multiply by the same spirit now imparted to us. This is perpetual, incorruptible and immeasurable wealth.
James Salters is special in my family's life. We are all richer in the grace and mercy of God because of his influence, respect, and demeanor. I know my mentor and I will enjoy a permanent connection soon.

Thank you, James Salters, for being the obedient servant of the Most High and mentoring me. You are a Patriarch worthy of honor. I applaud you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Where Have All My Sermons Gone?

Yep, when I was "evicted"as pastor from the church I began the process of vacating my office. I packed up my pens, pencils, paper, equipment, etc. One of the things I did was dispose of all the sermon notes I had cataloged and preserved in binders. I must say some of them were really good. The 100's of notes had been used, unused, revised and revised again during a period of more than 30 years of ministry. I had never been treated with such disdain by so-called Christians. I taught and preached the Word of God without fear or favor. Hours of prayer and study had been applied to formulate homiletical sermons for the congregations I served in. It could be said some had impact and others were kind of missing something. My last sermon was on Walking In The Spirit. I was told by my superior that it was not appropriate (he didn't even hear it). My response is that I preach what God wants delivered: I obey God rather than man. The price was high but I would do it all over again and with more conviction than then. Well all the notes went into the dumpster at that church and who knows where they ended up, perhaps in some earth-filled dump I suppose. Maybe someone discovered them prior to the trash pick-up and they live on. I don't care. But now I have you to know that the disposal I made of them was my symbolic expression of how the people trashed me. These sermons are stored on CD's. Yeah, isn't that a kick? It was only ink-filled paper that was dumped, but the messages live on in data form accessible on any PC. Perhaps soon I will publish them on a blog. Hang around and see what happens. Father, forgive them for they knew not what they did.