Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What's Motivating?

Survival is the primary motivator. The level of comfort in your survival will determine the level of mental and physical exertion, with a will to live one will do the needed thing to survive. Opportunity becomes the second factor of motivation. Assessing the present opportunity; then responding in desire promotes improved survival probability or the next level of success. Key elements are desire followed by interest.

Too often the less fortunate don’t avail themselves of opportunity. Perhaps this is due to fear of failure and inadequacy instilled by years of lack. Settling for mediocrity should not be an option. One cannot allow others to stymie emergent opportunities by raining on the parade of possibility. Cover yourself with the umbrella of fortitude. Stick to the task even if you initially fail; learn from the failure.

Each person has to look at themselves in a mirror of truth and see beyond the physical into an inner strength. This force can be the dynamics of success and must surface in that individual. A new attitude will be developed and possibilities begin to transform the image seen into an unfolding improvement.

Wallowing in self pity or deprivation will not get one out of the mire of self-defeat. Ignoring opportunity because of fear will lead to self-destruction. Take the chance, exert an effort. Demonstrate to the observing doubter that you can and will do your best to make a difference in life for yourself and others. Accept the challenge and at least defend your right to succeed.

Dare to dream. Do it early in life. Seek wisdom. Get motivated to act immediately. Receive praise of success graciously when offered. Let those things become motivators toward better things in your life. Avoid becoming aloof from prior associations as long as they are encouragers to your motivation. Avoid those that say you can’t or if they express jealousy over your accomplishments. Watch out for over-confidence that will destroy your personage.

We must know we have a destiny in life. Each has been given life and it is their choice to live it fully and fulfill that destiny by giving it their all. Find contentment in your life’s assignment but always pursue improvement. Take advantage of the time you have been allotted, make each hour count and yet acquire rest for body and soul.

Above all, give honor to God, who gives liberally to those who walk in His righteousness. Include Him in your plans, seek His advice and counsel and then follow.


  1. Amen to all that! I couldn't have said it better! And I must admit that I have to slap myself out, of some of the things mentioned above, once in a while...being human you sometimes find yourself wallowing in something. Your posts are very motivating for me sometimes. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks for the comment, Ann. I know what you mean and this blogging provides some of the therapy I need too.
