Saturday, October 31, 2009

Living With Character and Integrity

What has happened to man in his pursuit of living life to the full as set forth in Scripture? Within every human being is the desire to accomplish something in life, hopefully with character and integrity intact after it is done. One must avoid actions like “It doesn’t matter who you step on, friend or foe, while on your way to your self-defined happiness.” An “all about me” generation has stepped on the stage and acted out their lusts. The importance of integrity has faded in this world of corruption. Character and integrity is lost with efforts to be successful at any price.

Our confidence must be placed in a more sure thing. The dependability of God's word rests entirely upon His unchanging character. He is not only the God of truth, He is truth itself. Therefore, we can rely with complete confidence on whatever He says. Balaam spoke of God's trustworthiness when he said, "God is not a man, that He should lie" (Numbers 23:19). Abraham also found this as, "being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He was able also to perform" (Romans 4:21). Looking at God's promise from a human point of view, we might say that He has more at stake than we do. We stand to lose our soul; He stands to lose His character.

During America's dark days of slavery, a man walked up to a young slave on the auctioneer's block and asked, "If I buy you and take you to my beautiful home, will you be honest and truthful?" The black youth responded, "I will be honest and truthful whether you buy me or not." His conduct did not depend on circumstances. He was for real. Likewise, our profession of faith in Christ must always be authentic.

We know that salvation is of the Lord. (Psalms 27:1).

What preserves us? Are we preserved for the moment only later to be consumed by a bigger problem? What=s the use of trying?

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