Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. [NIV]
An aged sage once quoted this statement to me, “Advice is free, counsel will cost you, but if you can use either one it’s a miracle.” I believe this quote expresses the frustration of so many counselees. Our friends are often like Job’s counselors of old. They make analysis from a narrow perspective and dole out opinion that is often in error.
For counselors there is a tremendous challenge to assist people in overcoming difficulties in their life. A Godly counselor needs to have the Word of the Lord as his qualifying certification. The experience factor must take second seat to prayer and Scripture. Care must be taken in weighing the facts. Measuring with false scales can easily skew the results.
Scripture is to be the supreme authority in the church but is often used out of context or to justify a particular position. Many times it is described as “license” to make a point. It should always be the Spirit that gives approval, correction, or blessing on the exhortation of the Word and the application to a particular situation. I am amazed at the amount of unsolicited or inappropriate advice and counsel given from the pulpit and pastor’s office. This occurs when there is an omission of prayer and close examination of Scripture in relation to the problem. It is difficult to separate opinion from fact at times.
I recognize and have experienced anointing that comes upon us for the purpose of Godly edification. We cannot omit this anointing in the God-ordained individual if we practice counseling. A note of caution: Do not focus on your skill; rather give attention to the Divine. Having emotional or relationship ties doesn’t make us an authority on a particular matter. The connection may mean you are too close to the trees to see the forest on fire. The consideration must be the result of such guidance. Will the receiver be edified?
The sad thing to me is when a person attains a leadership position and gets a little exposure in that place, suddenly they become experts. They seem to hand out advice and opinions on issues that they do not have full knowledge of even though they use Scripture to support their position. I would point out that even Satan quoted Scripture, (out of context). It may be solely due to their assumption of having authority and showing their skill of directing others. Flaunting authority is the beginning of arrogant anarchy.
We definitely need to seek God on matters and listen to His direction. The advice and counsel given by friends and others should be weighed in God’s scale first. Our decisions will lead us through tough times when we adhere to those principles.
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