Friday, December 4, 2009

The Past in Memory

The challenge of living in my world is sometimes exhausting and confusing. I can also say that sometimes living is exciting and rewarding. So what is it that makes all of this stuff in my life “tick?” The winding of my clock is done by influencers and a Divine source above all. If I were to have my way, perhaps someone else would not be having their way. Does that make any sense? This is a deep philosophical discussion. I may not be able to turn back the hands of time but I can recall the past.
Certain intonations (sounds) stimulate my visual memory and other senses to replay prior periods or particular events in my life. I believe this assists validation of my experiences. It is not that such experiences are necessarily epiphanies; they are events that impacted my life and gave some direction, choice, and influence. Experience is always good advice whether it was tragic or wonderful when applied as a lesson. For me the noise of reminder might be a musical piece, a déjà vu place or person.
This phenomenon brings enlightenment to my personal spirit. I am reassured by the particular remembrances that I have lived life and for the most part savor my experiences. I want to continue to value events of my life and the involvement of others. As I do this I can give value to others who bring influences into my life. “No man is an island” certainly holds true.
I recently took a personality test designed by Myers-Briggs. The test results determined my personality type as ISTJ. This was no surprise to me because for a long time I have accepted that defining of my personality. I try to analyze situations from within before making a decision. As I grow older I do react and speak more quickly. This response may be due to maturity and clearer purpose of my life. I am sensitive to the impact of my decision and generally think before judging.

I love to reminisce and share meaningful events. Precious memories puts value on my life.

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