I have recently had to rethink many of the positions, ideologies, philosophies, and interpretations of the Scriptures held by the many in my former organization. Their belief may be due to lack of training. My involvement came abruptly to an end from this denomination in which I served all of my adult life until the end of 2007. (I was an ordained Pastor.) The event leading to my exodus caused a deep wound that is healing with positive results. It was my personal choice to part ways with the organization after failure of support from superiors over the unwarranted act against me.
At this time I feel enlightened and unburdened by legalistic concepts that were so subtle and daunting at times within the spoken and unspoken realm of the denomination. Looking from the outside offers a view that is too frequently overlooked. This doesn’t mean that I have thrown out my heritage; some principles and doctrine remain intact and vital to my present life. For this reason I now consider myself an Independent Reformed Pentecostal (IRP).
Some specificity of interpretation and application I formerly adhered to are simply not mandated by Scripture. In any situation when rules and expectations imposed on you because of private interpretation they are simply inappropriate. This type of imposition would be defined as legalism to appease current leadership. Holiness is from within and should not be misconstrued to allow unwarranted judgment of character or integrity. I will respect those who hold to opinions in as much as they do not interfere with the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that sets us free.
Some of my former friends within the organization will call my position heretical. I would caution them about their judgment. I continue to hold to the basic tenets of Pentecostalism as they serve the Biblical purposes intended. The leadership must educate themselves more thoroughly in hermeneutics and theology before they rush to judgment on my behalf. It is time for them to recognize the trouble is often with the “good old boys club” mentality; denial of its existence doesn’t erase its influence. The adherents to traditions for tradition’s sake are often stumbling blocks to the propagation of the Gospel.
I continue to esteem those who have ignorantly held to certain unsupported principles or standards but impacted my life to search the truth. Our understanding of God’s purpose for humanity is not always clear cut, but it is definitely true that Scripture remains clear when clearness counts. Many legalisms are connected to on-going antiquated, useless traditions or opinions of men. If these traditions and opinions do not edify others then they are worthless in effectuating God’s Kingdom principles.
I can certainly say that it is true about reformation; it happens during oppressing times and can effectively bring clarity. Reformation may also be accompanied by unjustified persecution from previous affiliations. These attacks have served to strengthen my attachment to the truth revealed to me. My goal is to avoid any animosity towards former acquaintances because of their belief or position. However, I cannot stymie my enlightened perspective by remaining silent.
And so, am I passing judgment upon those cited above? That is certainly not my intent. However, you can analyze and reach certain conclusions by the results of their productivity. My righteousness is in Christ alone and that will be my salvation. Am I blaming someone for something? No, any measure of innocence or guilt will be determined by the Chief Judge and God of Creation on that day.
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