Saturday, September 26, 2009


Objects and tools that are at our disposal can be a blessing or a curse. The result is mainly dependent upon our usage and careful evaluation. Training is also a vital part.

The internet is an awesome source of information. It is a wealth of resources; but it is an example of a tool that can be misused. A criminal can be tracked or a criminal can track. You can use it to converse with a loved one anywhere on earth or you can use it to communicate hatred e-mails and pornography.

The hammer can be used to build a house or as a weapon to knock somebody in the head bringing great bodily harm. Do we ban the hammer? Must we throw the baby out with the bath water? So what do we do? It all boils down to CONTROL and DISCIPLINE.

Communicating control and discipline begins with the child. (Note: Some adults need to revert to becoming a child willing to learn new disciplines.) Parents must begin the task of training their children. We cannot rely upon a failing government controlled system of schools that only has the state’s interest at heart. Too much change and digression from Godly principles has generated a new era of teaching humanistic thought which fails our national patriotism and purpose. Government should be for the good of the people.

The laws that govern us have become extremely cumbersome and ambiguous. Volumes of precedence pack the shelves of attorneys that argue before the courts over minute points. Energy is wasted on so many trivial torts. Judges who are supposed to interpret the law are legislating to validate their decisions.

It is no longer a matter of good vs. evil. The difficulty is an overabundance of areas called “gray”. The absurdity of this coloration is a lack of basic distinction that allows society to work together in harmony and in accordance with basic God given laws.

Perfection has been infected with viral misinterpretations of factual information. It was a perfect world until knowledge became distorted with the downloading of the wrong fruit, (Eve and Adam). Temptation overruled the innocence of man. Everything seems to have gone down hill since then. Our conscience became our guide and it had been beguiled.
How can this be corrected? First, we must recognize the need to return to good and abandon evil. Second, we must have a restoration of truth. This can only be done with someone who has laid the foundation for good and truth. God wanted to see this occur so He sent His only begotten Son to start the process. It was not a pretty sight for the cost of this redemption of humanity but it works. Our cure lies in putting confidence in God’s provision of Jesus.

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