Tuesday, August 4, 2009


“Qui est près de l’église est souvent loin de Dieu (He who is near the Church is often far from God).” —Les Proverbes Communs. Circa 1500. John Heywood. (1497?–1580?)

In a routine search of the internet I discovered the above quote. It aroused my interest to discuss on my blog. Although the quote was recorded in the 16th century I believe it is relevant yet today. My approach to discuss this statement is not with intent to degrade the work of the church. That is as long as it conforms to God’s purpose and plan established in Scripture. Rather, it is of concern for leaving God out of the plan.

My question would be: Why was or is such statement issued? There must be something of a problem in the church as an organization to warrant such pronouncement. After all, Jesus declared He would “build His church.” Would we dare declare such a negative thing as cited above in light of Jesus’ involvement? It has been said that the church should be a living, breathing organism. The true church is thus made up of living souls of men, women, and children and clearly proclaims Deity.

My consideration of this statement leads me to believe man has placed erroneous emphasis on the purpose of the church. Perhaps it is replacing God with a religion.

A Godly spiritual person can recognize the truth of the statement. The rules and systems of the church have become controlling factors without the due recognition of God. When the church operation deviates from its Godly purpose then it brings separation from God.

It is evident to me that this statement holds true throughout history unto the present day. When emphasis and nearness is placed upon the church rather than the supreme founder of the church, then we have lost focus of its original intent and purpose.

The church is a significant tool designed by God to enable people to congregate and worship Him in unity. Within that realm are the teaching of Scripture, singing of Psalms and hymns and witness of God’s works. The corporate assembly is a strengthening element for those of like faith. We are instructed by the Word to encourage one another daily, the church becomes a means to do that. Scripture instructs us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Everything points to the need of such institution, but the institution cannot become greater than the purpose for which it was designed.

Being nearer to the church than God occurs when the building and accoutrements become idolized. Those things to manage and make a church useful should never take precedence over the presentation of God’s plan within the framework Jesus established. The nearness to the church oft far from God, where “oft” is the key word, does not say the church should be eliminated from our worship by any means.

The more we advance in our knowledge of God, i.e., maturing, (see my earlier blog) the easier it will be to understand the means (e.g., the institution of the church) of His special presence. Balance is the key factor. I believe this is where the spirit within us gives direction that exalts God as was the intent of His establishment of the church. Thus in His exaltation He moves to save, heal, and bless. Place your affection on Jesus not on the aesthetics around you. God will visit where people are in one mind and one accord.

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