Tuesday, November 24, 2009


For me this can be a very nostalgic time of year. The brisk fall air and less daylight bring back memories of my youth when I waited seemingly forever for those extended vacations from school. Now that years have accumulated behind me these days pass too rapidly. My fondest recollections are gathering with family and good home cooked meals and desserts.

The three of us are planning on being with my oldest niece and family. For me it will be a time of discussing and exchanging information about our lives, present and past. A lot of talk will take place. At this stage, very little television will occupy our attention during our stay. That at least has been the pattern for the past several visits. I think our family members are very capable of providing much better and higher quality entertainment than the TV personalities anyway.

I believe we have wonderful and loving family. We don’t always see eye-to-eye on every issue but we overcome obstacles with our love and care. Age certainly has a way of bringing mellowness to our life. Life is too short to be mean to our kin.

I will continue to love and pray for the members of my family. They have demonstrated a worthiness of being my relatives. I will overlook any skeletons that may be in the closets and resign those judgments to God. God is a forgiving God and I likewise need to employ that attribute as well.

Happy Thanksgiving, You All!

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