The Book of The Revelation gives us information about Jesus’ disgust with the churches of Asia. The seven churches typify the churches of today. He has somewhat against them. I would call that disappointment. My credential for writing on this subject is a lifetime of church involvement including teaching and pastoring. That means over 45 years of active church work. Admittedly I fell into some of the matters that follow.
I am truly disappointed in the organized church. Maybe I’ve implied this in previous posts. Well, there is a reason for me to return to the subject. Enlightenment comes to clarify issues of such nature because of its urgency.
Some will be offended at my observations. They may disagree in part or whole, but I ask for consideration.
The purpose of the church (ekklessia – called out ones) is stated by God through His Word. I fear that the church of today in general has stepped out of that plan. I personally know that I should never be a man pleaser over pleasing God. God’s ordination is far above man’s certification.
My purpose is to draw attention to the need of following the whole Gospel. Is your church really a part of the body of Christ? Is it true to the name over the door? Does it adhere to sound biblical doctrine?
I have been exposed to many denominations and listened to their messages. The delineation of doctrinal differences are really not the issue. Do they preach Christ crucified, buried, resurrected and coming again?
God didn’t allow the existence of the church exclusively for programs. His great purpose was to bring the gift of salvation to as many who would receive it. He is not willing to see any perish through sin and damnation. I don’t see any record of Jesus thumping the Torah at a podium, or spitting in the face of his listeners. There is a reference in response to the disgracing of His Father’s house appropriately enough where he acts forcibly with rightful authority. He once used spittle to cure blindness. Can you do that, preacher? Jesus also had to deal with the religious of His day. It cost His life but resulted in salvation for many.
I believe a major contribution to the problem in organized religion lies in the legislative structure forced upon us by civil governments. Churches are administered like a business rather than God’s institution. Added to that is man’s teaching of philosophies and ideologies that conflict with the context of the Bible.
Control by the misguided results in a loss of contact with the voice of God – a most critical element for the true church. His voice is loud and clear, firstly and foremost through the Bible. The Pharisee and Sadducee of Jesus’ day were focused on tradition and missed the revelation for the present. They were more concerned with their personal preservation and authority than correctly examining Scripture about God’s plan.
A lack of devotion and prayer will contribute to a faithless generation. The major disciplines of Scripture are missing in much of church leadership. Perhaps it is not the fault of the individual as much as the regime and traditional precedents set by other churchmen.
Our civil government has put requirements on the church. The laws say we must have articles of corporation, a constitution, and bylaws among many other legal stipulations. Intent may be justifiable but is often distracting from the real purpose. This is certainly not separation of church and state that is so loudly declared in the liberal godless media.
The focus in church is too often upon the charisma of man rather than the Spirit of God that is supposed to be operating through him. When man’s goals and agendas supersede God’s plan and message then the church is leaning toward apostasy. The church exists by Jesus’ declaration, not man’s corporation or programs.
Accountability is an important tool of leaders. The basis of accountability has been greatly misconstrued by aforementioned reasons. A true accountability must be from the biblical perspective. If one is not willing to be accountable unto God then it follows that he will not likely be submissive to God. How can he lead to someone if he disobeys that someone?
The Bible must be central to the message of any church. If a church doesn’t align itself to the premises found in God’s Word then they have no basis to be called church in that context. They have become a religious club. The motivation is to become big by number of attendees or membership. It would be best to let God keep the records and the preacher gives the message. Too many leaders want to keep score, referee and play the game. That truly is impossible.
The pastoral staff must be one in process. The mission must be aligned to the Scripture. The one head that turns the church must be fully committed to the call of that office. They should be a person of integrity and live holy as God defines holiness. They must be separate from the world. A development of the spiritual disciplines should be demonstrated without self-edification. It cannot be just a ‘say so’ but a ‘walk so’. It has often been said: “Lead by example.”
Any praise for today’s church must be given with regard to an adherence of Godly instructions from the Bible. I am sure there are isolated groups of worshippers who follow the biblical principles. They may well be regarded as rebels by organized groups. Christ declares, “. . . I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” So in spite of the seeming negativity expressed here, there is a God who is working through a dedicated people called His church, not a denomination or movement.
I am truly disappointed in the organized church. Maybe I’ve implied this in previous posts. Well, there is a reason for me to return to the subject. Enlightenment comes to clarify issues of such nature because of its urgency.
Some will be offended at my observations. They may disagree in part or whole, but I ask for consideration.
The purpose of the church (ekklessia – called out ones) is stated by God through His Word. I fear that the church of today in general has stepped out of that plan. I personally know that I should never be a man pleaser over pleasing God. God’s ordination is far above man’s certification.
My purpose is to draw attention to the need of following the whole Gospel. Is your church really a part of the body of Christ? Is it true to the name over the door? Does it adhere to sound biblical doctrine?
I have been exposed to many denominations and listened to their messages. The delineation of doctrinal differences are really not the issue. Do they preach Christ crucified, buried, resurrected and coming again?
God didn’t allow the existence of the church exclusively for programs. His great purpose was to bring the gift of salvation to as many who would receive it. He is not willing to see any perish through sin and damnation. I don’t see any record of Jesus thumping the Torah at a podium, or spitting in the face of his listeners. There is a reference in response to the disgracing of His Father’s house appropriately enough where he acts forcibly with rightful authority. He once used spittle to cure blindness. Can you do that, preacher? Jesus also had to deal with the religious of His day. It cost His life but resulted in salvation for many.
I believe a major contribution to the problem in organized religion lies in the legislative structure forced upon us by civil governments. Churches are administered like a business rather than God’s institution. Added to that is man’s teaching of philosophies and ideologies that conflict with the context of the Bible.
Control by the misguided results in a loss of contact with the voice of God – a most critical element for the true church. His voice is loud and clear, firstly and foremost through the Bible. The Pharisee and Sadducee of Jesus’ day were focused on tradition and missed the revelation for the present. They were more concerned with their personal preservation and authority than correctly examining Scripture about God’s plan.
A lack of devotion and prayer will contribute to a faithless generation. The major disciplines of Scripture are missing in much of church leadership. Perhaps it is not the fault of the individual as much as the regime and traditional precedents set by other churchmen.
Our civil government has put requirements on the church. The laws say we must have articles of corporation, a constitution, and bylaws among many other legal stipulations. Intent may be justifiable but is often distracting from the real purpose. This is certainly not separation of church and state that is so loudly declared in the liberal godless media.
The focus in church is too often upon the charisma of man rather than the Spirit of God that is supposed to be operating through him. When man’s goals and agendas supersede God’s plan and message then the church is leaning toward apostasy. The church exists by Jesus’ declaration, not man’s corporation or programs.
Accountability is an important tool of leaders. The basis of accountability has been greatly misconstrued by aforementioned reasons. A true accountability must be from the biblical perspective. If one is not willing to be accountable unto God then it follows that he will not likely be submissive to God. How can he lead to someone if he disobeys that someone?
The Bible must be central to the message of any church. If a church doesn’t align itself to the premises found in God’s Word then they have no basis to be called church in that context. They have become a religious club. The motivation is to become big by number of attendees or membership. It would be best to let God keep the records and the preacher gives the message. Too many leaders want to keep score, referee and play the game. That truly is impossible.
The pastoral staff must be one in process. The mission must be aligned to the Scripture. The one head that turns the church must be fully committed to the call of that office. They should be a person of integrity and live holy as God defines holiness. They must be separate from the world. A development of the spiritual disciplines should be demonstrated without self-edification. It cannot be just a ‘say so’ but a ‘walk so’. It has often been said: “Lead by example.”
Any praise for today’s church must be given with regard to an adherence of Godly instructions from the Bible. I am sure there are isolated groups of worshippers who follow the biblical principles. They may well be regarded as rebels by organized groups. Christ declares, “. . . I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” So in spite of the seeming negativity expressed here, there is a God who is working through a dedicated people called His church, not a denomination or movement.
YESSSSSSSS! Finally someone writes about this issue! Something I have come to realize is how WE (Born again believers and followers of Christ) Are the church of God. I get so tired of the separation of the church.
ReplyDeleteDenominations only split up and seem to cause problems, over mans opinions. And how "The church" Is so focused on how big the building is or the number of people that is in it. When that isn't what's important. It's what is done and taught in whatever building (if there even is a building) to glorify our Savior. And it is what the body of Christ does OUTSIDE of the church.
Everyday should be a Sunday. So many people go to church on Sunday and feel they have done their duty of "Being a Christian". Going to church isn't what makes you a Christian. Fellowship with the body of Christ is VERY important. But it doesn't just come from a church building. It comes from the people that create the church. And we should be around one another and here for each other any day, to encourage...and to pray. And everyday we should praise God and thank Him for His blessings and wisdom. Even if it means going through the day with a joyful attitude in everything we do.
I have gotten so tired of how most churches try to entertain people. I loved to just be in the praise band and sing to God, but we would have to stop in the middle of worship for 15 minute announcements for things outside of church. Things that were fun. My mom and I were talking about what it was that was so different about this one church we attended at one point. Something about the people that drove us insane. We came to realize how ASLEEP they were. Almost blind and in another world while in service. And after service they wouldn't talk, they would go home and eat. And miss out on so much!!! It makes me sad to watch this happen. I love to talk about what God has done in my life to everyone that will hear. And I love to hear what He has done in other peoples lives. I love to fellowship, and that is something a lot of people forget to do today.
I really enjoyed this post! thank you so much for sharing Mr. Waggonner. Be blessed today! =)
Ok, now my turn. I didn't make a long comment after I read your blog, but I totally agreed with it. I was raised in church so to speak. My grandparents were very devout Christian people and the manner in which I was raised taught me Godly responsibility, compassion, sincerity, conscience and a lot more feelings that people raised in this day and age aren't instilled with. I couldn't go to any school functions because I was always going to church functions...I resented it at times, but I now look back and see that it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me in my lifetime. I remember the hell, fire & brimstone messages from some of my favorite pastors and evangelists. I didn't like Revelations at all...I feel it is the scariest book in the Bible, but it is true. I am sort of getting off the path here...I grew up seeing churches divided because people were keeping their eyes on people instead of God. I've seen pastors voted out because the congregation didn't like the messages he preached from the pulpit, but those were the minorities...the good things I experienced were the fellowship meetings, the pot luck dinners between Sunday services, the old time singings, old time revivals where people shouted and danced in the aisles, the children's church then the PYPA nights, church camp, watermelon feeds...Sunday afternoon stayovers with my best friends who happened to be the pks, the best friends (and family) I have stayed in contact with over the years who have always been there for me...even through God's ESP program! As I got older, I got tired of all the "drama" in the churches and it made me sad that this happened because it just made God's house look bad and it was totally uncalled for. I know that God has always been there for me and I am now having to trust in Him more than ever and I know He will bring me through this hardship. Ok, I know I have totally gotten off the subject, but when I attend a church, if I don't feel that certain "spirit" I won't go back again. Good for you, Larry. I feel your blogs are a breath of freshness for God!