Tuesday, May 1, 2012


A lot has happened since my last blog posting.

A major event was eye surgery for cataracts on my right eye. I entered into the decision to have the surgery with a little trepidation but yet a confidence that I could handle it. Much to my amazement it was the peace of God that made it so easy to go through with it. My vision is so much clearer in the right eye that I can hardly wait for the left to be done. Through the process I owe my wife a debt of gratitude for her willingness to nurse me with the required eye-drops that seem unending.

We also allowed our Journey Group to expire with only a few meetings because of my surgery and low enrollment. Now I have been extended the opportunity to become a coach for four to five of the other group leaders. 

I have also made myself available to teach any of the classes the church is offering for training. These include Discovery and Starting Point classes.

Work has become challenging. A co-worker has left under stress and stressed-out the agency and the remaining employees. My workload is greatly increased, at least temporarily. Funding of our programs is greatly reduced and vacancy replacement is questionable at this time.

This past weekend I did help my son, Micah build a work table. I think it turned out pretty good. A little bit of drama resulted but I believe it to be resolved.
And so much for recent events that I recall . . .

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