Tribute to My Sister
My family and I said goodbye for a season to my fantastic sister,
Helen, on May 5, 2012 at 12:37 a.m. It was bittersweet. She was weary of the
weakness of her flesh. We all knew the end was near and she really wanted to
see Jesus face to face and said so unreservedly. I tear up and my heart feels a vacancy as I
try to write this tribute which can never tell it all.

She was 16 years my senior and according to family accounts,
spoiled me. There were the frequent shopping trips to buy me Levis and other clothes
from the Boys Store in downtown Visalia after her payday. As an infant I was
placed in a banana box at the cashier stand for the market she worked in.
I was very upset as a preteen when she and Lawrence picked
up and moved to Santa Cruz. She always treated me as an equal with her own
kids. When Mom and Dad were in financial hard times, every payday she would put
a check in the mail special delivery to help with expenses when her own family
probably could have used the money too.
When I joined the Air Force she was a bit upset that my
enlistment date was on her birthday. I remember a humongous box of chocolate
chip cookies while in basic and was able to share with the whole flight. We had to eat them because I had no place to
keep them.
In 1973 when our Mom died, Dad and I went to live with her
and Lawrence and just became part of their family unit until I married. She had
a daycare in the home and worked tirelessly with the babies and toddlers in her
care, often usurping the law by having too many children in her care at one
time. But she could handle it with a matronly strength that amazes me. After
all she was Nanny! With all that responsibility she still took care of Dad and
I, preparing meals and doing laundry. I do remember that she made sure my
dinner was expedited on church nights so I wouldn’t miss, though she never
We would often joke about her naiveté on certain matters.
But she never got seriously offended that I can remember. She would get all
giddy and embarrassed like a school girl in some of those discussions.
When I got married she wasn’t too sure I knew what I was
doing. She was my protective Momma at that time; but through time she had come
to warmly and lovingly accept Carolyn as a sister-in-law. In the last few years
Carolyn would clip her fingernails and toenails and give her a foot massage. The
fact is that a couple of days before she passed she asked Carolyn to clip her
fingernails which she did.
Baking and cooking were a big part of her passion. The best
of cookies, pies and candies, especially at holiday times were spread on tables
and kitchen counters. In her house you were not allowed to go hungry.
The book of Proverbs 31:28-29 says,
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also,
and he praises her: "Many women do
noble things, but you surpass them all." NIV
I would add that her entire family and friends do likewise.
Helen leaves an awesome heritage: children, grandchildren, great grandchildren. In
her final days she prayed for all of them faithfully. Her mobility was limited
by the broken bones but her spirit was strong to the end.
Sis, there is no words to describe how we loved
you so. We are all happy you are at rest in heaven, free from pain. We miss you
here but my plans are to be reunited in God’s time and plan. Please show the
angels how to make chocolate chip cookies and we will have a party upon my
Larry, what a beautiful tribute. To one of God's Best. IF there are angels among us she is one.She was always so good to me went no one else believed in a young fourteen year old girl who married the love of my life. But she did & welcome me with open arms. Years later I made a point. To let her know how much it ment to me. Now forty four years later Ron & I share in our greive the lost of the best Aunt anyone could of ask for. She was so very special to so many people. She always worn angel wings here on earth now she gets her Halo! We love Auntie Helen, Now resting Jesus precious arms.