Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Even In Death There Is Hope

May has been a difficult month in 2012.

As reported in earlier posts, my sister, Helen, passed on May 5; I know she is free from pain and suffering in the arms of the Lord.

Simultaneously my son’s wife exited their marriage without so much of a second thought or courtesy word of intent to him or us. She left for a two day visit with her family and never came back. I believe there was a manipulated agenda to leave permanently. In retrospect I can see why. There was so much immaturity and naiveté in her life and influence from uneducated sources. I know it takes two but these things overpowered all reconciliatory possibilities. My son is doing well in spite of it all. His “eyes” are opened to a lot of marital issues that led to this parting.

The work environment is still unsettled with loss of employees and lack of replacements. I am just thankful to have a job that satisfies some of my calling.

However, through it all I put my trust in God. New doors of ministry have opened. I will be serving as a ministry coach for seven Journey Groups in addition to being Point Leader with my wife on First Impressions Team. My wife will also be coaching a group. We will be a support system for these groups to be their counsel and encouragers. We are excited about the opportunity to serve in this new capacity.

I am thankful for the grace of God that fills my being more and more as understanding is opened to me. Liberation from men’s traditions and rules is awesome. The righteousness of Christ has been imputed to me! I want this gospel of grace be shown to all who I encounter in life’s journey.

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