The expression about listening twice as much as you speak based upon anatomy; having two ears and one mouth, has been a great part of my philosophy. Speaking without thinking is dangerous. Jumping to a stated conclusion before listening to all the facts can kill.
I have served on juries for our court system and it is evident that listening is crucial to fairness, albeit the system is not necessarily perfect. I say it is better than many other systems of so called justice and deliberation.
Gossip is a killer of the spirit when tainted with untruths or embellished for presentation. Actually it can be defined as lies.
The media of our day allows for much interchange of opinion. It must be understood that opinion must be distinguished from fact. Perspective is important. Editorial comments are often made in the rage of the moment adding more confusion to the issue at hand.
Before putting our mouth in gear or fingers to keyboard, we should seriously consider the value of our comment or interpretation of facts. Even the content of the original expression should be weighed carefully.
Remember, “two ears, one mouth.”
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