Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Enjoying the Journey With Little Things

Life is so full of hurry that we forget to stop and smell the roses. There is a need to return to a slower life, like children who have no cares and are dependent on elders to get them where they are headed.  Children observe little things along the way that seem so insignificant in whatever journey they are on. They seek the four leaf clover obscured by all the other grass on the ground, the tiny lady bugs, dandelions, shiny stones, and all sorts of irregularities along the path.

We get so involved in the humdrum of making a living. We are often bored out of our minds, failing to see the impact we can make through our routine workday. We struggle with the monotony of tasks without realizing it is a journey and this particular task is not our definitive goal but it can have rewarding times. The intermediate stages of production can interfere with our enjoyment of small things, we lose patience. Our tunnel vision keeps us looking only to the finality of life.

These things can bring frustration and unhappiness into our lives. We don’t like delay, we want to get there. Wherever “there” is remains a mystery that can only be revealed with observation of the little things along the way.

The journey through life has highs and lows. We need to be confident of a future and a hope, but concentrating on the end can often cause us to miss the beauty of small pleasures along the way. Take time to observe the little things that make up life and enjoy your journey. The rewards can be awesome and bring purpose to taking the journey. Take a lesson from the children.

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