Friday, July 12, 2013


Well, I’ve just come through an astounding bit of drama. It seems as though social media opened a Pandora’s box of mess.

A family member came unglued over a social media post that was non controversial and responded in a defensive manner as though they had all the facts.  I in turn commented in defense of that commentator and caught more flak than a low flying B-25 over enemy territory.

After some short exchange I was quickly unfriended from the media source without explanation. I sent a private message via another media method and was bluntly told to leave them alone; so much for family and Christian love.  They told me they didn’t want my drama. Wow! What a pot!

The conclusion I draw from the whole scenario is, who cares for my input, so best just express it when I can and let the chips fall where they may.  I am entitled to my opinion and if it isn’t accepted then that becomes their problem. I can take the heat, but will defend my right to expression my opinion.
I have reserved myself and expressions far too long.  You can blame it on age, but I rather think I am wising up to those who think they know it all and are disrespectful of the human being I am. Maybe they will find peace with others of liberal mindedness and lack of respect. Birds of a feather flock together.

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