Friday, May 3, 2013


Well, here goes again . . .

Those scattered thoughts race through my mind. But I must say they don't really move as fast as they used to. Must be age.

The family issues are distressing at times when dealing with someone who has dementia, as is the case of my mom-in-law. There is strong opinions by family members and I have interceded on behalf of my wife to express some serious disappointment in their handling of matters. I truly belief they do not realize the ultimate consequences of their decisions. Time alone will tell. I remind my wife that they make their choices and will have to give account just as we will. We must leave it in God's hands for judgment.

The church we continue to attend and serve, Koinonia, is doing quite well I believe. Signs of progress are evident. In a large church some observations from my experience indicate a body led by sincere pastoral staff is where success comes. I wouldn't say there is perfection, but there is progress.

My work is stagnate but at least it is still there. Challenges do come and I enjoy assisting the clients I have. The staff are easy to work with in my office; the other office... well that's another story.

The end of the month we plan another road trip and visit to Disneyland Resort. Our dear friends are letting us once again take their RV. This is such a blessing and cuts the cost of our trip since the RV park is so much cheaper than a motel room for three nights.

And so my thoughts to compose are coming into "neutral" and I will place them in "park" and call it another post done.

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