Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Parable of the Computer Solution

I recently experienced internet connection problems that I was unable to resolve without assistance. I contacted my ISP server for assistance. Attempting to reasonably respond to automated questions and taking advised actions to correct the computer problems things still didn’t work. I thus proceeded to finally connect with a live technician.

Phoning an IT person that speaks plausible English is frightful because of the extensive outsourcing. The matter was frustrating to me as I am sure it was to the technician on the other side of the world. Finally, the resolution came when I agreed to permit the technician to take remote control of my computer. His training an expertise allowed him to investigate the inner workings that were the source of the problem. He could see the same thing I was and determine more readily a corrective action directly. My problems got solved.

This is an allegory for what Christians need to do in getting their problems of connection fixed. There is often occasions when the stress of life creates viruses in our thinking. We go viral and lose some sensibility of connection with God.

We have the manual (Bible) for life guidance. But often our problems go much deeper and we don’t describe them to fit the biblical response. Our ability to repair and track the difficulty to fix is limited. There is a short circuit somewhere. Maybe the devil has hacked us.

We have community to assist as we attend worship with others. Sometimes the problems get fixed. If the problem isn’t fixed we most likely need to let the Holy Spirit take remote control and enter into our lives more completely. He can see things we don’t and enable us to avoid things that create infections and viruses in our life. We just need to be sure we have dialed in to the right place; we've got to be willing to walk in the spirit.

We must trust God to control our life through the gifting of the Holy Spirit. He gives us strength to face the giant obstacles and point us to solutions for becoming eternal winners.

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