Friday, March 4, 2011

Looking Back But Looking Forward

In an earlier blog post of January 11, 2010 I gave positive and uplifting praise to a church congregation we had been associated with. Several months have lapsed since any contact has been made with them or their leadership. For an undeclared reason our acceptance has vanished. This blog is intended to address the whys and wherefores from my experience and observation.

I was presented with probable reconnection again in the next few months at the time of the previous blog posting. It would be an opportunity to minister to our friends once again. As of this post not word one has been received to return for ministry and renew fellowship.

I think it sad but oddly humorous how certain concepts and respect is cast aside over diminutive misconceptions. I believe this particular estrangement has a source attached to the marital issues of my son’s wedding to a girl from this church. There were many issues on the conducting of the ceremony involving my wife and me. How sad for them that communication failed. My words of mild rebuke in a phone conversation shortly after the wedding with their minister about some difficulties and the lack of maturity in their constituency appear to have bearing on the root cause of this detachment. I called it like I saw it. No follow up has been offered.

My statement about wanting to be in heaven with them has taken a back seat at this time. Heaven cannot be a place of broken relationships over mundane matters. Reconciliation will have to come somewhere along the way; Scripture mandates it. There has been no expression of love and appreciation that I previously felt from anyone. In fact a cold reception was felt during the wedding which gives credence to my explanation. Something changed. Apparently that church as a whole has taken offense to us. Thus my respect for them has faded in this field of the dark unknown.

My reasoning for this conclusion lies in the ungodly gossip that exists within the confines of the church. I find this to be an on-going problem in most congregations that I observed within the organization that I have parted company with. The negative response may be due to our finding and expressing true freedom we have in Christ. We are willing to please Him alone and enjoy the life He provides. We are not condemned but set free to take pleasure in the abundance he showers upon us without feelings of guilt.

A lack of grounding in the rightful foundations of faith contributes to their conundrum as well. Perhaps offenses were taken of our liberty expressed during the wedding ceremony. Or maybe it was the firmness of how we were going to be participants in the ceremony and celebration. I was the officiating minister at the request of my son, the groom, and my wife provided all labor for decorations at the petition of the bride and her parents. In the future I will avoid illogical compromise to accommodate the wishes of those who have no right to request such. Lesson learned.

I attempted to ground this church community in the Word of God for approximately five years. It has been their choice to forget, respond or ignore. If they wish to remain minute, they should keep doing it the old way with the old mind set. I repent of any contribution I may have made to this circumstance of stunted growth. Emotional moments are not worship no matter how extreme it is; sadly it is merely moments of ecstasy brought about by conviction that passes by Monday morning. The traditionalism of these encounters will be condemned by the very Christ they claim to serve; it is hindering the express purpose of the church to MATURE and GROW! I sincerely have no desire to preach a message to them at this time because of what I fear the message of hardness would be and the rejection I would undoubtedly feel. Only God can direct me to do so and His grace would have to sustain me.

Is this a condemnation from me? Is it a justification for my unwanted disassociation? By no means are those my intents. If it be prophetic in fulfilling my gifting, then so be it; I am only the messenger. The love for their souls remains intact. I do care for them and the memories of great moments with friends; however there are times to move to new heights. Yes, as I stated, our lives have been enriched by knowing them. But now the vein of value has been mined to exhaustion and we proceed to new depths in the eternal kingdom.

I applaud them for being there during our past time of hurt and need. But now I prod them to move to greater depths in Christ. I encourage them to refuse to be stagnant and live in a rut of traditionalism that will blind and consume true passion for God. This is a sad scenario for a potentially awesome community of believers. Small thinking will hinder propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ that sets men free. It is time to assess your place and take affirmative action to repent and do the work God has called you to. Get out of your comfort zone! Let change come in your worship after you have waited for the Holy Spirit to direct with an open mind. Do not become obstinate in your stance for that will only hinder your progress.

Speaking metaphorically I have been in the belly of the fish, the lion’s den, the prison of despair, exiled to Patmos, chased out of the city, beat up and robbed by thieves, slandered by friends and hung out to dry, shipwrecked upon the sea, and even stood before a firing squad. Through it all I have learned to trust in God alone, faith in Him has made be strong . . . bring it on! I waited for the Holy Spirit and worshipped the God I serve. I am equipped to fight in the warfare of good versus evil. I can witness of His power and might and do the works I’ve been sent to do. The blessings of God far outweigh the poundings of the enemy.”I will lift up my head . . . my help comes from the Lord.”

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