A few days ago I switched desks with my son. The process meant taking everything out of each desk and transporting it up or down the stairs accordingly. I am pleased with the exchange but now I cannot find some of the paperwork I desperately need. The desks are quite different styles and I had to reconfigure my storage space and reconnect the computer too. I will adjust—because I am not going to switch again!
Diggings can be dirty, but in the dirt and rocks precious metals and diamonds can be harvested.
While looking for some documents I ran across journal notebooks I made almost four years ago. I became distracted by them and had to read some of my writings. At the time I was in a state of frustration, anger, and confusion beyond belief and was not surprised by what I had written. At some point in time I will compile them for a story to be told. But as I reread them I was amazed at the peace I felt over those difficult days. It is not that that entire trauma of those days is totally erased because third parties have not asked for reconciliation, but I am healed and walking in the fullness of God’s grace and direction. Essentially I have shaken the dust off my feet and moved on.
Memories as described in those journals are not all necessarily pleasant. I expressed my emotions as being like a rollercoaster ride. They all contribute to the character we become. These are the events that can help us choose the path we take to our future. In those moments of seeming defeat, victory loomed on the horizon as long as I was willing to continue holding to the truth.
Now I have reached the horizon that seemed so far away. Contentment has enveloped me once again. I cannot worry over the past that will not change. I will walk in the hope of God’s promises and allow the Holy Spirit to guide me along the way to my future. I know why some of the people of the past are not in my present. They make their choice to listen to falsehoods regarding my character. I leave them to God’s hand of judgment. As my wife so aptly says, “the blood is on their hands.” Personally, I’ve been washed in the blood of the Lamb and look forward to an eternity with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Diggings can be dirty, but in the dirt and rocks precious metals and diamonds can be harvested.
While looking for some documents I ran across journal notebooks I made almost four years ago. I became distracted by them and had to read some of my writings. At the time I was in a state of frustration, anger, and confusion beyond belief and was not surprised by what I had written. At some point in time I will compile them for a story to be told. But as I reread them I was amazed at the peace I felt over those difficult days. It is not that that entire trauma of those days is totally erased because third parties have not asked for reconciliation, but I am healed and walking in the fullness of God’s grace and direction. Essentially I have shaken the dust off my feet and moved on.
Memories as described in those journals are not all necessarily pleasant. I expressed my emotions as being like a rollercoaster ride. They all contribute to the character we become. These are the events that can help us choose the path we take to our future. In those moments of seeming defeat, victory loomed on the horizon as long as I was willing to continue holding to the truth.
Now I have reached the horizon that seemed so far away. Contentment has enveloped me once again. I cannot worry over the past that will not change. I will walk in the hope of God’s promises and allow the Holy Spirit to guide me along the way to my future. I know why some of the people of the past are not in my present. They make their choice to listen to falsehoods regarding my character. I leave them to God’s hand of judgment. As my wife so aptly says, “the blood is on their hands.” Personally, I’ve been washed in the blood of the Lamb and look forward to an eternity with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
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