Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Another Milestone

Yesterday I celebrated my sixty-seventh birthday with a regular daily schedule for a Tuesday. I went to work and did what I usually do. I was wished happy birthday by coworkers without much to do about anything.

I knew it was my birthday, but it was just another day in history for me.

The media celebrated with a presidential debate that I watched with a couple of interruptions for most of the early evening. I was not shocked with the mannerisms of the liberal moderator, it was expected. November 6 will be the deciding point.

No special dinner or anything. I did buy a carrot cake Saturday to be part of my low key celebration, but I didn't eat any last night -- it will be good tonight along with BBQ tri-tip.

I received birthday greetings on Facebook, including some nice words of appreciation. That made me feel pretty fine. I especially like the idea that most people do not think I am really that old . . . looking good.  I had one person guess I was about fifty-eight. Love it!

All in all it was just another day. I do not have the physical stamina like I used to, but that comes with the territory. My focus must be upon my call to be a true witness of Jesus Christ, which only requires a functioning mind and lighter skills.


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