Thursday, August 9, 2012


August has come in with a fury of triple digit heat here in the valley! As I write this at 9:18 pm on this Thursday evening, I think an egg would still fry on the sidewalk outside. It is HOT!

There really isn't much to compose about for this blog. Life goes on in a seeming routine, which can be good.

This is the second week of the Olympics and I am kinda burned out on watching the events. However, I am pleased that our USA teams are doing well at this point leading with 90 medals all totalled. Go USA!

Work is . . . well work. Same ole, same ole! It is all about the lack of funding for the most part leading to shortage of staff to do the work. I am thankful for my job though.

Well, I'm going to terminate this post and get on with some other stuff. Check in later for some more ponderings.

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