Monday, January 11, 2010


This month my wife and I have a blessed opportunity to reconnect with church family from another community we were part of several years ago. We will be with them for three week-ends. These are God loving people for sure. They do not mind expressing their feelings toward us with the love of Christ. These attributes are what makes the Christian life make sense.
I have the distinct privilege of providing pulpit ministry to them during these visits. They are attentive and receptive, that makes it a great joy to preach and share messages. They accept us and the message in its total content, good and bad. Our lives are enriched by knowing them. These are the kind of people I want to be in Heaven with for sure.

These people readily accepted us initially. They assisted us when we have gone through difficult times. They continue to believe in us. Wow! What a great privilege to know them all.

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