I have recently slacked in writing for this blog. My excuses include working on other matters ad nauseum. I believe that is my final answer. In any case I hope the reader has had good things happening in their life during this lull. It is not as though nothing was going on, for things were transpiring.
A couple of things I’m doing to take my time from writing for this blog are developing a podcast and working on an organizational plan for “stuff.” It is my desire to implement both of these events. So far I’ve completed one podcast with the assistance of my son as the producer and my wife as director. The feedback on the podcast has been very positive. My goal is to post one podcast every week; they will be no longer than 10 minutes each. I will not divulge the depths of the organizational task at this time, but I do intend to keep on track as much as possible. (I’m already behind though.)
The next two weekends will take us out of town for ministry.(I’m going to get more behind.) We look forward to make the connection with old friends in another community. I am thankful that their grace has superseded all other disconnections imposed on us.
My next posts I will try to reflect on the experience of our visit and write something profound.
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