Advent and Christmas are wonderful times of the year. Personally, for me the excitement of these celebrations revolves around family and traditions that mildly fluctuate through the years.
Church has always been an integral part of the Christmas season for me. I pleasantly recall simple recitations by the children, singing of carols, preparation of the platform for a Christmas play and pageants of the birth of Christ and celebratory banquets.
Coming from a less financially fortunate family, it wasn’t nor is it about gifts so much as the smells and sounds that represent a joyful time. I love the special aromas filling the house. It meant spending time with those we loved and enjoying breaking bread together at a family table filled with abundance and good tastes. Then there were update conversations about how each of us were doing. The gift exchange was fun and often exciting, especially for the younger children.
As the years have passed family has become distanced and getting together is more difficult. The family is growing but diversity and accessible options limit the willingness to unite. It is difficult to please everyone with being present and participating in those old traditions of gift giving and opening of presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. But I would hope my family would not forget the real reason for Christmas. Let’s celebrate the coming of a Savior to redeem our lost souls.
"Let your conscience be your guide." ----- I am an emotional creation and attempt to use my available intellect to balance expressions of my thoughts. Albert Einstein said, "Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized." - The postings here will bring offense to some and liberate others. It will be your choice of which path to follow.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wishing all my blog readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I am not sure how much I will be composing for postings over the next few days. I would emphasize the importance of remembering why we celebrate this time of year, it is about one great gift given to all who will receive, JESUS.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Please humor me in this diatribe and don’t take offense.
I am curious about a term used to describe a time of being in a church service. People post on the internet that their church service “rocked” or “rocks”. Can one of you be more specific about what that means in comparative terms?
Until I get an explanation or response to my query allow me to surmise with the following:
If “rocked” or “rocks” means top of the chart feelings, would “stoned” or “stones” mean a little more or less than the top notch feeling? I know it previously meant drunk or high on drugs. It could also refer to extraneous particles in the bladders. I am not sure the Apostle Paul or any of the early church patriarchs would want to be in a church that rocked or stoned in that case.
Continuing on the same vein of analysis it would possibly follow that” graveled” or “gravels” would be an even lesser level of excitement. Gravel being a smaller size than stone or rock. You ever walk barefoot on gravel?
That makes it possible to reduce an assessment of calling a boring time in church “sanded” or “sands”. I know Jesus was a carpenter and all, but to say “Jesus sands” might be appropriate but misunderstood.
We could then proceed to the insignificant description of “atomized”. But then one can realize the power of the atom bomb which when released was really more than “rocked” , “stoned”, “graveled”, and “sanded.”
I think I have opened up a door to a serious and inexplicable dilemma. What do you think? Our vernacular is in a constant state of flux.
I am curious about a term used to describe a time of being in a church service. People post on the internet that their church service “rocked” or “rocks”. Can one of you be more specific about what that means in comparative terms?
Until I get an explanation or response to my query allow me to surmise with the following:
If “rocked” or “rocks” means top of the chart feelings, would “stoned” or “stones” mean a little more or less than the top notch feeling? I know it previously meant drunk or high on drugs. It could also refer to extraneous particles in the bladders. I am not sure the Apostle Paul or any of the early church patriarchs would want to be in a church that rocked or stoned in that case.
Continuing on the same vein of analysis it would possibly follow that” graveled” or “gravels” would be an even lesser level of excitement. Gravel being a smaller size than stone or rock. You ever walk barefoot on gravel?
That makes it possible to reduce an assessment of calling a boring time in church “sanded” or “sands”. I know Jesus was a carpenter and all, but to say “Jesus sands” might be appropriate but misunderstood.
We could then proceed to the insignificant description of “atomized”. But then one can realize the power of the atom bomb which when released was really more than “rocked” , “stoned”, “graveled”, and “sanded.”
I think I have opened up a door to a serious and inexplicable dilemma. What do you think? Our vernacular is in a constant state of flux.
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Christmas season is here. As a child I looked forward to this time of year and it seemed forever getting here each year. There was anticipation of vacation from school, visiting family, Christmas programs at church, the smell of pine trees, sounds of Christmas carols and good will expressed everywhere. Now it comes so rapidly. What has happened?
Like most children, I looked forward to presents under the tree. I really didn’t ask for much and as time passed I expected even less. As an adult I see commercialism lessens the significance of the real celebration. It seems to be all about the economy. But I must focus on the reason for the season. The pageants and programs must continue to convey the celebration of the birth of a Savior. It is a happy time because of Jesus coming to earth. I find no fault with gift giving and sharing at any time. But, He is our greatest gift and source of peace in time of turmoil.
The secularist view pervades our religious representations with obtuse objections. They want to change the focus by calling it a winter holiday and using an “x” to replace “Christ” is an all too common practice. But I remind them that the “x” in Greek is “chi” and can well be the initial of Christ. Persecution of believers seems to be the underlying motive for their attacks about Christ-centered displays in public places. Christians awake! Do you remember the godless society of the USSR which failed? Are we headed in that direction with proposed and pending legislation that contains laws that contradict the message of the Bible?
The one true message of this season of Advent is found in Luke’s Gospel chapter two, 7And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. 8And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. 10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Lets keep the message alive. Merry CHRISTmas
Like most children, I looked forward to presents under the tree. I really didn’t ask for much and as time passed I expected even less. As an adult I see commercialism lessens the significance of the real celebration. It seems to be all about the economy. But I must focus on the reason for the season. The pageants and programs must continue to convey the celebration of the birth of a Savior. It is a happy time because of Jesus coming to earth. I find no fault with gift giving and sharing at any time. But, He is our greatest gift and source of peace in time of turmoil.
The secularist view pervades our religious representations with obtuse objections. They want to change the focus by calling it a winter holiday and using an “x” to replace “Christ” is an all too common practice. But I remind them that the “x” in Greek is “chi” and can well be the initial of Christ. Persecution of believers seems to be the underlying motive for their attacks about Christ-centered displays in public places. Christians awake! Do you remember the godless society of the USSR which failed? Are we headed in that direction with proposed and pending legislation that contains laws that contradict the message of the Bible?
The one true message of this season of Advent is found in Luke’s Gospel chapter two, 7And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. 8And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. 10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Lets keep the message alive. Merry CHRISTmas
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Our Neighborhood
We are blessed to live in our particular neighborhood. It is rather quiet most of the time. Our street is one block long running east and west with a perpendicular short street to the north. We are on the corner lot where the streets meet. These are Cambridge Homes by Lennar and our development is called Coventry Village. There are about six different model styles. Our home is known as the Windsor and is the second largest in square footage.
To my best understanding occupants on our block include a doctor, two nurses, correctional officers, a policeman, two navy pilots, office workers, a mechanic, and a technician. I believe those vocations prevail in the entire development. Our immediate neighbor to the east has two small children and we hardly ever see them. Two of our neighbors across the street have just become parents. The only other children are on the northeast corner and the southeast side of our block.
Animal noises are minimal. I think most keep their dogs inside. There is one large cat we see tripping our sensor light occasionally.
The whole neighborhood is only three or four years old. Everyone in the village seems to take care of their home decently. Lawns and landscaping are generally neat and clean.
To my best understanding occupants on our block include a doctor, two nurses, correctional officers, a policeman, two navy pilots, office workers, a mechanic, and a technician. I believe those vocations prevail in the entire development. Our immediate neighbor to the east has two small children and we hardly ever see them. Two of our neighbors across the street have just become parents. The only other children are on the northeast corner and the southeast side of our block.
Animal noises are minimal. I think most keep their dogs inside. There is one large cat we see tripping our sensor light occasionally.
The whole neighborhood is only three or four years old. Everyone in the village seems to take care of their home decently. Lawns and landscaping are generally neat and clean.
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Past in Memory

Certain intonations (sounds) stimulate my visual memory and other senses to replay prior periods or particular events in my life. I believe this assists validation of my experiences. It is not that such experiences are necessarily epiphanies; they are events that impacted my life and gave some direction, choice, and influence. Experience is always good advice whether it was tragic or wonderful when applied as a lesson. For me the noise of reminder might be a musical piece, a déjà vu place or person.
This phenomenon brings enlightenment to my personal spirit. I am reassured by the particular remembrances that I have lived life and for the most part savor my experiences. I want to continue to value events of my life and the involvement of others. As I do this I can give value to others who bring influences into my life. “No man is an island” certainly holds true.
I recently took a personality test designed by Myers-Briggs. The test results determined my personality type as ISTJ. This was no surprise to me because for a long time I have accepted that defining of my personality. I try to analyze situations from within before making a decision. As I grow older I do react and speak more quickly. This response may be due to maturity and clearer purpose of my life. I am sensitive to the impact of my decision and generally think before judging.
I love to reminisce and share meaningful events. Precious memories puts value on my life.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Rethinking Faith
I have recently had to rethink many of the positions, ideologies, philosophies, and interpretations of the Scriptures held by the many in my former organization. Their belief may be due to lack of training. My involvement came abruptly to an end from this denomination in which I served all of my adult life until the end of 2007. (I was an ordained Pastor.) The event leading to my exodus caused a deep wound that is healing with positive results. It was my personal choice to part ways with the organization after failure of support from superiors over the unwarranted act against me.
At this time I feel enlightened and unburdened by legalistic concepts that were so subtle and daunting at times within the spoken and unspoken realm of the denomination. Looking from the outside offers a view that is too frequently overlooked. This doesn’t mean that I have thrown out my heritage; some principles and doctrine remain intact and vital to my present life. For this reason I now consider myself an Independent Reformed Pentecostal (IRP).
Some specificity of interpretation and application I formerly adhered to are simply not mandated by Scripture. In any situation when rules and expectations imposed on you because of private interpretation they are simply inappropriate. This type of imposition would be defined as legalism to appease current leadership. Holiness is from within and should not be misconstrued to allow unwarranted judgment of character or integrity. I will respect those who hold to opinions in as much as they do not interfere with the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that sets us free.
Some of my former friends within the organization will call my position heretical. I would caution them about their judgment. I continue to hold to the basic tenets of Pentecostalism as they serve the Biblical purposes intended. The leadership must educate themselves more thoroughly in hermeneutics and theology before they rush to judgment on my behalf. It is time for them to recognize the trouble is often with the “good old boys club” mentality; denial of its existence doesn’t erase its influence. The adherents to traditions for tradition’s sake are often stumbling blocks to the propagation of the Gospel.
I continue to esteem those who have ignorantly held to certain unsupported principles or standards but impacted my life to search the truth. Our understanding of God’s purpose for humanity is not always clear cut, but it is definitely true that Scripture remains clear when clearness counts. Many legalisms are connected to on-going antiquated, useless traditions or opinions of men. If these traditions and opinions do not edify others then they are worthless in effectuating God’s Kingdom principles.
I can certainly say that it is true about reformation; it happens during oppressing times and can effectively bring clarity. Reformation may also be accompanied by unjustified persecution from previous affiliations. These attacks have served to strengthen my attachment to the truth revealed to me. My goal is to avoid any animosity towards former acquaintances because of their belief or position. However, I cannot stymie my enlightened perspective by remaining silent.
And so, am I passing judgment upon those cited above? That is certainly not my intent. However, you can analyze and reach certain conclusions by the results of their productivity. My righteousness is in Christ alone and that will be my salvation. Am I blaming someone for something? No, any measure of innocence or guilt will be determined by the Chief Judge and God of Creation on that day.
At this time I feel enlightened and unburdened by legalistic concepts that were so subtle and daunting at times within the spoken and unspoken realm of the denomination. Looking from the outside offers a view that is too frequently overlooked. This doesn’t mean that I have thrown out my heritage; some principles and doctrine remain intact and vital to my present life. For this reason I now consider myself an Independent Reformed Pentecostal (IRP).
Some specificity of interpretation and application I formerly adhered to are simply not mandated by Scripture. In any situation when rules and expectations imposed on you because of private interpretation they are simply inappropriate. This type of imposition would be defined as legalism to appease current leadership. Holiness is from within and should not be misconstrued to allow unwarranted judgment of character or integrity. I will respect those who hold to opinions in as much as they do not interfere with the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that sets us free.
Some of my former friends within the organization will call my position heretical. I would caution them about their judgment. I continue to hold to the basic tenets of Pentecostalism as they serve the Biblical purposes intended. The leadership must educate themselves more thoroughly in hermeneutics and theology before they rush to judgment on my behalf. It is time for them to recognize the trouble is often with the “good old boys club” mentality; denial of its existence doesn’t erase its influence. The adherents to traditions for tradition’s sake are often stumbling blocks to the propagation of the Gospel.
I continue to esteem those who have ignorantly held to certain unsupported principles or standards but impacted my life to search the truth. Our understanding of God’s purpose for humanity is not always clear cut, but it is definitely true that Scripture remains clear when clearness counts. Many legalisms are connected to on-going antiquated, useless traditions or opinions of men. If these traditions and opinions do not edify others then they are worthless in effectuating God’s Kingdom principles.
I can certainly say that it is true about reformation; it happens during oppressing times and can effectively bring clarity. Reformation may also be accompanied by unjustified persecution from previous affiliations. These attacks have served to strengthen my attachment to the truth revealed to me. My goal is to avoid any animosity towards former acquaintances because of their belief or position. However, I cannot stymie my enlightened perspective by remaining silent.
And so, am I passing judgment upon those cited above? That is certainly not my intent. However, you can analyze and reach certain conclusions by the results of their productivity. My righteousness is in Christ alone and that will be my salvation. Am I blaming someone for something? No, any measure of innocence or guilt will be determined by the Chief Judge and God of Creation on that day.
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