Friday, December 6, 2013

It's Already December

Wow! It is already December and 2013 is coming to a finale.

Last month we spent Thanksgiving with my family in LB and visited my mother-in-law in Mo town. Time with everyone was really good and relaxing. My niece did an awesome job with all the food.

This month we are taking one last fling with our annual passes and visiting the "Happiest place on earth." Going to spend the weekend and Monday. We get to use our friend's RV so it is less expensive than a hotel. Our plan is to take it slow and easy, we have been there so many times so hope we can really do that.

Work has been real busy. We have one caseworker out on medical leave until after the first of the year and this week the other worker was also out. Thank God for a temporary that the agency has hired for three days a week.

Our son is in the process of purchasing a home and is sort of excited. I think it is a good step for him at this time in life. The closing of escrow is scheduled for December 19 which is his birthday. How awesome is that!?  We've had a great friend assist us in the whole process which has been up and down with emotions because of various factors involved in monthly payment amount, but as of now it looks like a go!

Christmas time will probably find us back a LB and visiting Mo town again.

See ya later!

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