Sometimes it is necessary to come to a stop in our
activities and assess our life and progress. It's a time of
reflection. This is my recent reflection:
I’ve had a tough few hands dealt my way in the last few
years, like most humans at points in their life. I am thankful for the lessons all of them have taught me. My focus is to use the lessons in avoiding going around the same mountain again.
When I entered fulltime ministry in 1998 I had big dreams of
leading a large congregation as a senior pastor, with staff and all the accoutrements
adjoined thereto. This was in spite of the tiny congregation I was appointed to serve. Well, because of organization structure that pipe dream was
mostly nightmares. Yes, there were good
things that happened but there were so many bad things that seemed to overpower the
good. I will fault myself for not adhering to the rightful guidance of
Scripture in performance of my vocation, but I refuse to take all the blame.
Traditions of men and rules of organization usurped so much of God’s plan that
it was impossible to keep ends together. Ministry moves on in a different perspective now for me. I leave the politics of such to those aspiring to make names for themselves.
All of my siblings have now passed and I remain on earth to
do as God sees fit. I was blessed to have them all as part of my natural
family. I know my days are numbered by
God and my trust rests in him. My youth is gone, but I want my wisdom blessed
of God to assist me in doing His work. I know I have much to give to others when opportunity arises.
May I always see more than me. The mirror reflects our image. I want to reflect the image
of my God. I choose joy in all that confronts me and the reflection reveals the
Christ in me.
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