A few weeks ago I received a “heads-up” for my upcoming 50th
class reunion. Yes, it has been that long since I left the school campus with
my high school diploma in hand.
I don’t know how time went by so fast! A lot of stuff was
going on in 1963 that I wasn’t even aware of. I was 17 and naïve. I had certain
faith based values and knew a few things. I struggled to maintain a grade
average that was not too bad and often felt cheated out of honor roll.
It seems that I was just another number in a class of just
over 200. I didn’t care for the social life on campus or off. I do remember the
names of many fellow students who probably never gave one thought to me.
At moments I would like to attend the reunion but then again
I am not the social type that would feel comfortable in that particular
setting. Perhaps it has a lot to do with my essential tremors that would draw
unwanted attention or comments from those who are somewhat crass in their
assessment. Or maybe it is the “party
spirit” of the world that makes me uncomfortable. My career has taken me down
that road often. No, it is not insecurity now; I have a hope of eternity that
reaches beyond the small mentality of this world into Heaven where there is a
place for ME!
It is sad to learn of the many that have passed from this
life and are no longer with us. My prayer is that they had assessed their need
of a relationship with God through Christ and have crossed into that place He
has prepared for them.
Surviving fellow classmates, I encourage you to run the race
with God at your side and let him see you to the finish line. Do not succumb to
the ways of man and fall into the pit of eternal damnation. Look to Jesus, the
author and finisher of your faith. Remember, you have no promise to make it to
any future reunion. But it will be so great to make the reunion in Heaven!
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