I’m wondering what I can ponder on today. There certainly
are a lot of things on my mind but I’m not sure some of them are worth posting
in a blog. It can even be that this particular post is of little value.
It has been hard to maintain the peace among those I
consider family and friends. Of late it appears that several family members
have become disgruntled with me over things I’ve addressed and expressed
opinions about. It is unfortunate for
them to sever ties over such insignificant matters that they refuse to respond
I find it really sad that these are ones who are spiritual
and hold office and calling of ministry. What an example to set before your
people. Of course the master of deception loves keeping them in his grip of
I acknowledge that I could be in error in some of my
opinions, but that should not give rise to isolating me from discussion and
contact. There must be some guilt associated with my statements and fear to
confront the possibility they are wrong.
It is true you cannot please all the people all the time. I refuse to live under the pressure of trying
to make everyone happy. And I also find
it true that you cannot please even all
of them.
My character and integrity will not be compromised by me
over trivial and inconclusive evidence. There will be those who will attempt to
assassinate my character and integrity, but it will be God who will make the
final decision. I must remain surrendered to Him.
I must just deal with it and be certain it doesn't control my future.
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