I met my
mother-in-law over 30 years ago shortly after I was introduced to my wife to be,
Carolyn. She was a woman who was
soft-spoken, but established in her faith in God. I did not have any fear of her with respect
to my relationship that was going to be established with her only daughter. Her
real strength was in her relationship with God. The Word of God was ingrained
in her life and she demonstrated it in the best way she knew how.
I saw a kind
and gentle woman who had taken her “knocks” in life and survived. Her wealth
was in her family. Losing a husband at a very young age took its toll, but she
maintained her faith.
I loved to
tease her about being her “favorite son-in-law” and that was safe since I was
her only son-in-law. Her gentle chuckle
was always a response I looked forward to. I would also tease her about her “boyfriend”
knowing full well that this was not even a consideration, maybe with the
exception of one name which will remain anonymous.
She lived
alone most of the 30 years, with a few years devoted to taking care of her own
mother. As events have unfolded in the last few years her health has deteriorated
and now she is suffering from dementia. This terrible disease takes her memory
and hurts the family so very deeply, but our hope lies in the precious memories
of what she contributed to us on a personal level.
I could not
have asked for a more understanding and better mother-in-law. She never
mistreated me and to the best of my knowledge she never spoke ill of me. Her
character and integrity precedes her dementia and I must focus on those
positive things.
I do not
know how long she is destined to live on this earth in the present state. There
is always possibility for the miraculous. For Carolyn, Micah and I there is a
future that will be glorious one way or another.
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