Monday, December 3, 2012

Closing Out the Year

Here we are again with the season of Christmas hovering over us.  There is so much to acknowledge and write about during this time of year that it becomes difficult to select a topic that might appeal to the reader. However, here is my attempt.

It has been a year of change for our family. I believe the change is for the better. My working grant has been approved through the end of next year at least. That was a relief.

The month of May brought unwanted events into our life, including the loss of my sole surviving sister. I wrote of her in an earlier post. Also my son has had to move to a new stage in his life due to his wife choosing to leave him. I will not comment on the latter as much as I would like to, so I will leave that subject here.

My wife and I had decided to get rid of our old car—the Cadillac had seen its usefulness and was going to cost more to maintain than it was worth. Thus we have reverted to purchasing a smaller, more economical vehicle, a 2013 Ford Focus that is serving us well so far.

For Thanksgiving we took our travel trailer to Lake Hensley for 4 day outing. Had a great time even though the fishing was bad no catching. Micah enjoyed walking the area taking pictures with his Nikon. He got some good shots that would make great pictures to enlarge and frame for the wall. Our friends came up from Madera on Saturday and spent some time visiting with us.

We continue to serve at the church with more exposure of our abilities and recognition. Serving holds many blessings and rewards that cannot be expressed. We know God has opened doors that no man can shut and as we walk through he is our source.

Our plans are for a seven-day vacation in Southern California at the Disneyland Resort. Our great friends are loaning us their RV again. We will be meeting with the wife’s niece and family and relaxing away from our hum drum ways of the valley.
May you find the strength of our God in your life too.

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