Tuesday, October 25, 2011

An Unpleasant Anniversary

As we are about to mark another anniversary of our demolished world we once knew and worked in I am stirred in my spirit for the offenders who succeeded in bringing an abrupt end to life as we were accustomed to. I will however, acknowledge that the unwarranted event has led to development of a better life for us. For this I am thankful.
I remember the terrible feelings of injustice that swept over us for months. At certain times the blood boils and hurts pain us. The instigators may be in denial but justice will prevail. I must rest in the confidence of a just God.
Many would say I should forgive and forget. And, yes, I have forgiven but forget . . .  not so quick. The wound is deep and since it was unjustified injury to my character and integrity it is healing pain. I learned a lesson and will remember it, avowing to never let it happen to us again. I would also hope others would recognize the signs and avoid similar circumstances in their lives. Rick Warren put it like this: "If you cannot remember the pain, you would not remember the lessons."
For the parties involved, I pray for their souls. May there be an awakening in their spirit to try a reconciliation that fits with their proclamations. I cannot force this upon them but they will have to act appropriately at some point in time.
My assessment of the situation this year concludes that the scheme was a total disregard of the facts and certainly no consideration of affect.
There was a rising to power, an idolizing view and deception that preceded our termination. The frustration of leadership with my failure to voluntarily resign was clearly evident. I forced the decision upon those perpetrators. The person responsible for this attitude will have to come to terms with God on the matter.
It is difficult to maintain a Christian attitude towards former fellow Christians who have eviscerated my ministry within their realm. The nice thing is that I am not confined to their legalism or by-law system of man-made rules that restrict and confine me to an unfitting mold. I am at a new day in ministry that is calm and poignantly straight-forward.
Perhaps it took the severity of such an evil plot for me to be free of a bondage that appealed to the pleasing of man more than pleasing God. I confess this weakness and thus declare a most clearer and truer perspective on my calling to minister. God does know how to make good of the bad that happens to us.
Many will read this and not understand and attempt to self-justify. However, they must focus on life’s purpose according to God’s call and not upon personal agendas. The enemy of our soul, Satan, does not care about your profession and will use whomever he can to carry out his evil.
My intent is to expose the failure of my former leaders in this statement for the purpose of the disclosure of truth. The conversations involving our departure have not been fully explained from our perspective. The failure to give audience as a member is a serious offense and violation of Christian principles. It is truth that sets us free, even though at first it makes you miserable.
Vengeance does not belong to me. I surrender to my Heavenly Father, to fulfill the purpose He alone has called me to. My departure from those who brought offense is by no mean a confession of guilt on my part.

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