As I have accepted or encountered certain situations in my recent life there is a tendency for me to be more vocal in stating my opinions. Maybe there is a measure of insensitivity (I don’t care) towards what others think. My feelings have hardened to allow me to truly express my views.
Do I dare write on these issues and declare my perspective? What will the repercussions be? How many offenses will I bring? I know many will be offended at certain stances I take.
Would this be wrong to express in writing my opinions? I think not. They have long been in my silent mind. It is a liberty that each individual has in this nation (at least so far). These voicing’s are not meant to bring personal harm to anyone; however, I will accept the fact that they will be offended by the content of my message. There is and will be reciprocation accordingly. They too will offend me in some of their raucous rants. Please do not read this with the idea that I think of myself more “holier than thou.”
I have always believed myself to be one who accepted opinions of others although at times I silently disagreed with them. This was a failure on my part to express opinion for fear of reprisal or someone might stop liking me. (Sometimes they probably never liked me in the first place.) It is so true that you cannot make everybody happy at the same time.
And so, what are my pet peeves?
A current rage or trend has gripped many. I do not believe our body should become a canvas for painting billboard material that is permanent, i.e., tattoos. I don’t like them. I suggest wearing a garment that carries their message. I will not dislike the person who has such décor on their person but I don’t have to like the “art.” The purpose and content do not affect my opinion. The body need not be dishonored in such fashion.
Bodily piercings that are carried to extremes takes me to the primitive tribes of our world. What now is the point of such piercings? The initial pain--- is it worth it. No part of the human body seems to be immune from such irreverent holes and adornment. Is the adornment that pretty?
What about clothing? Well, mostly it is a lack of adequate covering when in public places. Pornography becomes three dimensional. No wonder there is such sexual violence when attire attracts the predator like bait in a trap for an animal.
The balance of respect for elders is clearly gone. The youth have not been educated about the contributions made by their ancestors. Honor is disregarded.
Movie language is awful. Films made today contain so much cursing and foul language it becomes an offense to my ears. This is aside from the sexual aspects portrayed in so many top box office movies. And people pay big bucks to go see them! Yikes!
There is a disregard for the role of spiritual matters in everyday living. Too many just cry out to God when there is adversity. No time for God. We must find balance in our lives.
Do I dare write on these issues and declare my perspective? What will the repercussions be? How many offenses will I bring? I know many will be offended at certain stances I take.
Would this be wrong to express in writing my opinions? I think not. They have long been in my silent mind. It is a liberty that each individual has in this nation (at least so far). These voicing’s are not meant to bring personal harm to anyone; however, I will accept the fact that they will be offended by the content of my message. There is and will be reciprocation accordingly. They too will offend me in some of their raucous rants. Please do not read this with the idea that I think of myself more “holier than thou.”
I have always believed myself to be one who accepted opinions of others although at times I silently disagreed with them. This was a failure on my part to express opinion for fear of reprisal or someone might stop liking me. (Sometimes they probably never liked me in the first place.) It is so true that you cannot make everybody happy at the same time.
And so, what are my pet peeves?
A current rage or trend has gripped many. I do not believe our body should become a canvas for painting billboard material that is permanent, i.e., tattoos. I don’t like them. I suggest wearing a garment that carries their message. I will not dislike the person who has such décor on their person but I don’t have to like the “art.” The purpose and content do not affect my opinion. The body need not be dishonored in such fashion.
Bodily piercings that are carried to extremes takes me to the primitive tribes of our world. What now is the point of such piercings? The initial pain--- is it worth it. No part of the human body seems to be immune from such irreverent holes and adornment. Is the adornment that pretty?
What about clothing? Well, mostly it is a lack of adequate covering when in public places. Pornography becomes three dimensional. No wonder there is such sexual violence when attire attracts the predator like bait in a trap for an animal.
The balance of respect for elders is clearly gone. The youth have not been educated about the contributions made by their ancestors. Honor is disregarded.
Movie language is awful. Films made today contain so much cursing and foul language it becomes an offense to my ears. This is aside from the sexual aspects portrayed in so many top box office movies. And people pay big bucks to go see them! Yikes!
There is a disregard for the role of spiritual matters in everyday living. Too many just cry out to God when there is adversity. No time for God. We must find balance in our lives.
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