Sunday, May 8, 2011

My View

The event of the demise of Osama bin Laden has given occasion to much commentary. Amongst such remarks there has been fierce exchange of words on his swift execution and the interrelated matters. And thus I will add my perspective. ---- Thanks for the freedom of speech and press! Reign on!

The report of his death through our government agencies is the opinion I concur with. An evil plotting person has been expunged from our world. The lengthy time period and process of finding the deranged bin Laden has had its ups and downs. There has been much ado about the whole process that led to his execution by the U.S. Navy Seal Team 6. I applaud the execution of their duty.

Controversy surrounds this event because of the jihad element. Religious overtones are ingrained in the terrorist movement that hides behind the cloak of religious conviction and interpretation of the Quran. I can respect the opposing opinions of persons; however, I expect the same respect for my opposing opinion. The heart of a man must be changed or he will maintain his same opinion.

A man who would hide in his compound and secretly deploy personnel to dismantle our freedom is not deserving of breathing the air. His cowardice is evident. His tactics through al Qaeda or the Taliban are best described as ruthless. They place no value to anyone opposed to their religious or political views. I know we cannot clump all Muslims in his barrel, nor can we likewise clump Christians in one barrel. Radical elements exist in all facets of society.

We are often attacked for stating strong opinions on biblical based morality. There is the implication and misunderstanding that we are merely moronic Bible thumpers. This description of my stance on issues is  as offensive to me as any statement I issue on controversial matters that possibly offends those of another position.

A man must examine his own heart and motives. He must decide as an individual whether to believe in God. That is his free moral choice. If I choose to believe in God, then I should be respected as a fellow sojourner on earth and not live in fear of retribution because I believe differently. However, do not impose your rules on me as I will not impose mine on you.

This argument does go deeper than just the surface of man’s laws. It becomes a matter of heart and an awakening of man’s soul and spirit. Conversion is a decision. A hardened heart will not absorb compassion. Agape (God Love) must prevail if humanity continues to thrive. Purpose of existence must be fixed in the individual’s mind if they are to present a viable argument.

I hold to the view of the veracity of the Bible and the precepts set therein. I choose to have faith in a God who loves me and demonstrated grace and mercy to me. My judgment call will acquiesce to Him as the final court of appeal. No man needs to die in such fashion as bin Laden, he had his days of mercy and grace; he simply chose another course.

Terrorism will continue because man is essentially lost without a savior to direct. I must hold to the hope of my salvation for eternity. I cannot shove my faith down your throat with words or weapons; you will make your own choice.

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