Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The last few days have been filled with change.

Sometimes change is good. Other times change is difficult.

On Thursday evening we were with the grieving family of Helen Jones for the viewing. The body was there and peaceful looking, but we know her soul had gone to be at rest with her LORD.

Friday (Good Friday) was the memorial service for Helen with a chapel service and internment after. I hope and pray that my words about her life and service were adequate enough. Many of the family stated so. I felt honored to officiate for the services.

Saturday we rested and did only necessary things. A trip to Lowe’s for closet repair items and sprinkler system changes took several hours of our time.

On Sunday we awoke early to get to church and serve our first official Team Leaders duties of the First Impressions Team for two worship services. It was awesome to serve and greet arrivals for worship. The house was packed for the 9 am service (over 1,000) and almost packed for the 11 am service. We left the church about one pm and finally determined were to go for lunch. We had breakfast at Denny’s in Selma about two pm and then decided to venture to Fresno. Traffic was very light—almost everything was closed, surprise!

Back at home we chilled together and prepared for the week.

Now I am back to work and the remodeling of the front office has everything in disarray. Stuff is everywhere and nowhere. Boy! Talk about unorganized and chaos. All but one of management was absent on Monday. Not the way to run a business! Ah, but who am I to judge. I must just roll with the punches and smile, keeping the spirit of Christ.

Today I am notified by my supervisor that my grant notice must be done for 2011 FY and we haven’t got the FY 2010 approval notice yet. The new request is due June 8. Don’t make any sense to me. It is Tuesday and the remodel is still underway. We will make it. I refuse to let it break me or crush my spirit.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Loosing Good Neighbors

Our neighbors across the street have moved. It is so difficult to face their absence. It is really too bad that their lender wouldn’t work with them. House prices have really dropped many of us under the bus. Being upside down on one’s equity is really mind boggling. These are such a young couple with a small child to have to face such crisis.

We are in anxiety over who will be moving in. They had to walk away like so many have done lately. I completed understand their predicament and respect their decision regardless of how we feel. I know we will keep in contact. They moved just a short distance away.

I hope we can establish some descent rapport with the new residents. The home is really nice but will now need some work before being sold or rented.

Last Night . . . For a Season

We concluded our Journey Group for the first semester last night. Our guest for the evening included our lead pastor and his wife. Three members were unable to attend. It was with a certain amount of sadness that it was our final Wednesday for a time but plans are to connect monthly over the summer until our next session begins in late August.

I believe there was real rapport and camaraderie amongst our members. In my opinion we fulfilled the goal to have real connection, koinonia.

Heartfelt thanks goes to all our members and you continue to be in our prayers. We will see you at our “Summer Buffets”. Lets rest in our LORD and not forget to mature in the grace of His Spirit.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tribute to Helen Jones

Today was a sad yet victorious day.

One of our faithful elderly parishoner, friend, and family passed from this life to her eternal reward. Her life’s journey is over with all the health issues and struggles she had. We know this matriarch is rejoicing in the presence of her beloved savior.

Her soft spoken voice still is heard through the lives of people she has influenced in her 87 years of life on earth. A wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother has crossed Jordan and is no longer an invalid. She will be missed by her husband, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Her legacy is living on through their lives. The echoes of her wisdom will resound over and over again in the hearts of those she loved.

Serving as her pastor for six years we saw a strong faith and commitment to her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In her earthly life God touched her life often by His Spirit but now she is touched by His glorious presence. I look forward to seeing this woman of God along with many other saints who have finished their course when my time to leave this earthly shell and bars of bones.No more pain, tears, or sorrows-- it is finished.

I pray for God’s comfort to be with the family and friends. May we all come to know and love God as Helen Jones did so well in faith and deed.

Helen, rest in the arms of Jesus.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Clarification of Purpose

Reviewing from time to time my past postings I have come to the realization that much offense can be taken. I reaffirm my position of establishing facts that resulted in such postings at the time. I reiterate that I have chosen to move on in spite of the hurt and disappointment befallen me. This is not meant as justification, for only God can justify anyone. My purpose is to show a side that might never be exposed and possibly prevent someone else from falling blindly into a mess or trap that is godless. I hold to what is written. The posts are not done with malice nor intent to harm. I only want people to "wake up and smell the coffee." I am really free from legalism --- I serve a risen Savior!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Journal Findings

A few days ago I switched desks with my son. The process meant taking everything out of each desk and transporting it up or down the stairs accordingly. I am pleased with the exchange but now I cannot find some of the paperwork I desperately need. The desks are quite different styles and I had to reconfigure my storage space and reconnect the computer too. I will adjust—because I am not going to switch again!

Diggings can be dirty, but in the dirt and rocks precious metals and diamonds can be harvested.

While looking for some documents I ran across journal notebooks I made almost four years ago. I became distracted by them and had to read some of my writings. At the time I was in a state of frustration, anger, and confusion beyond belief and was not surprised by what I had written. At some point in time I will compile them for a story to be told. But as I reread them I was amazed at the peace I felt over those difficult days. It is not that that entire trauma of those days is totally erased because third parties have not asked for reconciliation, but I am healed and walking in the fullness of God’s grace and direction. Essentially I have shaken the dust off my feet and moved on.

Memories as described in those journals are not all necessarily pleasant. I expressed my emotions as being like a rollercoaster ride. They all contribute to the character we become. These are the events that can help us choose the path we take to our future. In those moments of seeming defeat, victory loomed on the horizon as long as I was willing to continue holding to the truth.

Now I have reached the horizon that seemed so far away. Contentment has enveloped me once again. I cannot worry over the past that will not change. I will walk in the hope of God’s promises and allow the Holy Spirit to guide me along the way to my future. I know why some of the people of the past are not in my present. They make their choice to listen to falsehoods regarding my character. I leave them to God’s hand of judgment. As my wife so aptly says, “the blood is on their hands.” Personally, I’ve been washed in the blood of the Lamb and look forward to an eternity with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.