May the true meaning of Easter come to light in the souls of men. My cry is for humanity to grasp the truth of Christianity that will ultimately redeem all responding individuals. It saddens my heart that there will be those among humanity that will reject God’s plan and thus be lost forever by their own choice. For God is not willing that any perish (John 3:17).
My message to the president would be: Please SERVE our nation, not with your own party’s agenda, but rather with the heartbeat of compassion for doing what is right in God’s sight. Of course if you don’t believe in God and His Son, then we are all in trouble. Do not compromise the Declaration of Independence and Constitution by forcing laws and liberal thinking upon us contrary to the original intent of our founding forefathers.
My hope does not lie in government but rather in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ my Lord. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.
I would also like to note the sacrifices of our nation’s military on this occasion. A co-workers son was recently injured in Afghanistan and is in critical but stable condition. Photos brought me to reality of what is really happening. These men and women desire our support and we must pray for them and the nation they are serving in.
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