Sunday, December 2, 2018


            It is a different day. It is a day that has many uncertainties. The hope of a bright and continuing prosperous future seems to become incomprehensible. The day is turning into darkness and hopelessness. What is the future? There is so much division of thoughts, political, secular and religious. Opinions are deliberately expressed without regard to consequence. Social media has contributed to the proliferation of expressions that often remain faceless. The rule of the day knows no barriers. It is evident that humanity has slipped into a great abyss of dismal content. Violence in every form has come upon humanity. [2 Timothy 3:1-5]

            It is a different day. The earth is groaning with storms, fires, earthquakes violence of war and terrorism. Crime is rampant. The malcontent can find no solace in the hand they have been dealt. Take someone else’s property as though it belongs to you. Righteousness for many is not even a consideration in living life.

            It is a different day. Modern inventions have evolved into tools of evil. A computer becomes an ax that chops at the very core of human thinking. News, true or false, is at our fingertips. The world wide web has woven a snare. It has captured families, friends and enemies through social media platforms, and illicit web sites. These have become tools to tear at the very core of our purpose for existence. Conversations around the kitchen or dinner table for families has practically disappeared. Electronics compete for the time of children; and eventually their future is compromised. The effect is no relationships and fellowship.

            It is a different day. Keeping schedules is more important than personal time. Relationships are torn apart because of conflicting agendas. We are in a mess! Everything is expected to be instant and we have trouble waiting for the stoplight to change to green. We can speed down the freeways and catch a plane across the country or around the world. We are so close but yet so far from each other. Spending quality time with people we say we love must happen outside holidays or special occasions.

            It is a different day. People have become preoccupied with themselves. The “ego” has landed. Self-centeredness is an all too often recurring trend of thought. There is little caring for your “neighbor” and even family members. You are treated as a “number” when you seek assistance or you have to fit into the schedule. Human value has been reduced significantly. So many have turned to drugs, legal and prescriptive, to alleviate their pain of reality that overwhelms them. Escaping the disastrous events of the real world is only possible with faith in the living Lord. The day has become encumbered with so many different emotionally triggered events. Excuses and reasonings are long and unending to justify the results. We employ multitudes of social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors to try to deal with mankind’s malady to find no permanent solutions.

            It is a different day. The new generations bring changes in morals and mores. What remains unshakable any longer? The new generation comes with deviant behavior that is termed acceptable even though it is contrary to the foundation establish by the Creator and conveyed to us through Holy Scripture. Their message is seemingly biblical on Sunday but turns worldly on Monday. They condone participation in matters that destroy true witness of Jesus Christ.  [I wonder if there are bars and taverns in heaven... houses of ill-repute, etc.]

            I appreciate the modern conveniences as much as the next person. However, not everything that is convenient is appropriate. Inventions of this modern day when misused are detrimental to the life we have been created to live. Society crumbles. Conveniences can bring failure or expediency. They can save time or destroy quality of time allotted. Often because of the time-savers we find something else to fill the gap we have created. Busyness is destructive to living a life that is full of God’s purpose.

            It is a different day. The basic principles of salvation are not soundly expounded. Our ears are tickled [2 Timothy 4:3]. These principles are necessary to reveal real truths of the Gospel. Too much watered-downed preaching and teaching from the Holy Scriptures is spoken from the pulpit. We must preach the WHOLE counsel of God; that means even if it brings offense and causes some negative feed-back. What sacrifice is leadership willing to pay? Are the prices paid simple to espouse their ideals rather than the truth that sets men free? Is the Gospel compromised to please the offering plate? Who do we fear? [Acts 5:29]

            We are all different. However, there is a need for unity in every human. The need is for redemption from the “wrong different”. Our individuality is God ordained; but this must be used to bring glory to Him. The uniqueness in all of us still results in revealing God in us when we are following His directions. 

            It can be a different day. The positive view of this is transformation to a new creation. The hopelessness can be turned to hope. The price has already been paid. Redemption out of the darkness into light is possible because of Jesus’ love for us. Now be careful what you focus on [Hebrews 3:1]. There will be warfare of good and evil. Look to the source of your strength and not yourself.

            After all this has been written or said, is it really a different day? Has history from the beginning of time taught us anything? We struggle to grasp the meaning of life as did many of our ancestors; our tools are just different. The information highway just moves us along faster. The universe continues, our earth turns on it’s axis as designed long ago. What, if anything, has changed to make this a different day?

Friday, November 9, 2018


The passing of time has continues to take its toll. Undesirable events have overwhelmed me beyond imagination. Consequences follows inappropriate deeds; this I clearly understand. But now it is time to face the future and move on  from the past knowing forgiveness is essential. Sometime there are preventive matters that come from interferences of persons and their misspoken words (i.e., gossip) that has placed me in precarious positions. I must pace my progress and button my mouth and power of the "pen" to avoid further arguments that will not enable me to move forward. Hopefully this brief statement is not looked at in that light.

Judgment without hard evidence is critical in all circumstances. The steps of correction for the degree of missteps must be considered. I use this platform to express my disappointment in people in general when I view them outside the light of Christ.

It seems as though humans (including myself) love to have inside information and thrill at sharing the demise and defeat of our enemies. What a sad scenario! It is time we assess our salvation and align ourselves to what Scripture instructs us to do. I will not cite the verse or teaching of the Bible here but I would ask each reader of this writing to examine their lives in light of what God's Word declares rather than justifying themselves. I am doing my best to do this very thing. I want truth, not gossip.