Thursday, October 13, 2016


Putting on a show of pseudo love and honor to be recognized by others only, is inadequate for establishing a true and pure relationship. If one does so for the sake of praise and accolades these will soon turn into ashes of a failed relationship. As a child I remember this type of action being called: “showing off”. When the heart is right, showing off will not be a factor of true love.

According to the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 13, true love goes beyond the measures often set by humanity. You can be an angel and talk “holy talk” and perform “holy deeds” to impress, but it must go beyond those evaluations. Impressing peers and strangers should not be the primary purpose of maintaining a solid relationship. It’s what happens behind closed doors that becomes truth.

The trials that couples face today are no different than in the past. Society has made it convenient to abandon relationships with the stroke of a judge’s pen. Irreconcilable differences is the culprit in too many cases. A desire to do things your way generally means the vows of matrimony and commitment “for better or worse” is devalued by society and the rule of law.

It is common knowledge that complete agreement 100% of the time between two people will never be lasting. The agreement to wed and site vows of commitment are cast aside when one member or both lose sight of those essential elements. A binding force stronger than each ones will must be in place. This is God in each life influencing by His Spirit the strong development of character.

Now what about the children conceived in this relationship? We cannot afford to abandon the offspring of relationships. These are the promised children the two have desired to bring into an uncertain world. Again, the binding source must be instruction by both parents of God’s role for their lives. There may be twists and turns in the roads taken but leading them in His paths will certainly do no ill will.

In summary, be true to your commitment and oath before God. He is the rewarder of those who seek Him wholeheartedly.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Failure plagues my thought process more than I would like. The humanity in me surges to attempt conquering my transformed spirit. Yes, I realize the desire to be perfect slips through my mind easily as the temptations arise before me on every side. My visual acuity spiritually seems to have weakened or lessened with factors of dramatic/traumatic events. I need to purpose that my age should not have any effect on the Divine call. 
The missing element in may life recently has been the Word of God for personal consumption. Oh, I have heard it spoken and followed along quoting the familiar from memory. But my personal adaption and reception was brief to say the least. I have purposefully purchased a new Bible with a renewed vigor to read it through and highlight portions that speak to me.
The skill of expressing myself in written format has also declined, but my desire is to have it return with spiritual impact for self and others. The blog I started was inspired by hurtful events that happened to me with my placement of blame on others. I allowed the root of bitterness to express itself and grow, trying to bring self-justification. I believe it served as a cry out to God, however, I probably didn’t really listen for His guidance to move past the obstacles thrown my way. There was so much negativity as an underlying current of those postings. I will allow them to remain posted just to serve as a reminder of the path that one should not walk down. I believe therein lies many expressions of truth that may hurt but ultimately set the captive soul free. Perhaps this would be a disclaimer of sorts.
This does not mean there will always be wrongs used as fuel for conversation. In fact my intention is that I focus on those positive things that build up rather than tear down. We learn from the bad as well as the good.
There are so many things (idols) that compete for our time. They could be listed here but you know what they are. Our perspective must be reverted back to our God-given call out of darkness (I Peter 2;9). The light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ must be declared.