Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Tribute To My Prominent Mentor

This blog was originally posted on June 9, 2009. I repost it because my beloved mentor has now passed to his eternal home at age 97.

A Tribute to My Mentor

I had reached a point in my life where I believed I was mature. After serving almost four years in the U.S. Air Force I thought my future would unfold to my personal desires and goals. For fifteen months I had found an inner strength to be pure while most of my peers caroused and practiced sinful ways in the Philippines. It was a struggle. But even in that place God planted a seed in my heart to study His Word. Through my mother's prayers I maintained my faith in God, becoming a student of the Bible.

God brought me safely home and I floundered in continuing education and working. I needed to find my God given destiny. It was early in 1973. Less than four years after coming home, my faith-strong Mother passed away. What was I to do? She was a spiritual tower for me. Shortly after her death my things were packed and I moved to a new city, Santa Cruz, California. It was not my comfort zone at first. However, God eventually fixed my heart to settle in for a season. He intervened with an excellent job with benefits.

But more than that, God placed a spiritual mentor in my path, Pastor James H. Salters. This man took confidence in me and loved me as only a spiritual father can. When I met him I did not sense my own hunger for counsel and acceptance. His was not a smothering love or forceful discipline. Yet he was not wishy-washy in his own convictions. He was firm but gentle with me. It is difficult to explain the influence he had on my future because it is so vast from the inward place. He was not pushy, just faithful. Perhaps he did not know that he was mentoring me. I know I was not a perfect recipient. He gave me opportunity to serve in ministry, valuing my God given gift of teaching. His confidence in my ability became my confidence to walk in obedience to my call.

Time would bring me to applying for ministerial credentials because of his guidance. No, he never as much as mentioned that process to me, but when I walked into his office that particular evening and asked for a ministerial application, you could sense an awesome spiritual victory in his eyes. His full support followed me throughout the process.

Soon after this I came to his office with Carolyn, who was soon to be my wife. Together we listened to his counsel, again given with gentleness and confidence. Months later he joined us together in Holy matrimony and we began life together, loving God and working together for the Kingdom.

After a time we had to part the physical presence of my mentor, but his spirit always was before us. Several years and events passed, we saw him less frequently, but continued to value his counsel whenever we saw him. We always anticipated seeing him at a district meeting. He occasionally sent timely handwritten words by letter, arriving in our mail box just in the nick of time for our edification and encouragement.

As God would have it, we came full circle to reconnect with him eye to eye for over two years. We came to pastor a church near his place of residence. We got to visit him regularly. Our conversations were of many varying spiritual things and of mutual acquaintances we had come to know along the way. It was a time to converse positively of God's greatness and faithfulness, and then petition through prayer for our needs.

As our reconnecting advanced, his conversation turned to his going home. He felt the tug of heaven. The love he had was not faded; it was merely seen in light of his soon to be manifested faith. He longed to be with Jesus and reunite with those who had gone before him. He spoke of it during every visit. It wasn’t spoken with sadness but with expectancy.

There is not a large accumulation of material goods that he leaves for his heirs. But I sense something far greater. Look at the ministry he cultivated in the multitude of family and friends. His investment is eternal. A tremendous wealth of eternal offerings that will only multiply by the same spirit now imparted to us. This is perpetual, incorruptible and immeasurable wealth.
James Salters is special in my family's life. We are all richer in the grace and mercy of God because of his influence, respect, and demeanor. I know my mentor and I will enjoy a permanent connection soon.

Thank you, James Salters, for being the obedient servant of the Most High and mentoring me. You are a Patriarch worthy of honor. I applaud you.

Now Heaven is sweeter and resounds with "Ain't No Grave Gonna Hold Me Down". I told you so!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Time Lapse Pondering Post

It appears that time does not heal some wounds as quickly as we like. As I compose this blog today I am aware of recent and past events that have molded me into the person I am today. Not every part of me is great, but I believe I have taken steps and been guided by the Spirit of Christ to develop into the person God wants me to be. I am still subject to authorities that are above me, but I do remain in charge of my faculties to make decisions and formulate opinions that may conflict with them. These are just matters I have to assess and determine if they will alter my course of life or just be forgotten and inconsiderate treatment.

The journals I maintained a few years back contain information that expressed my feelings the day of the writing---- not necessarily right or wrong. But in context I feel justified in describing those emotions at that moment in my life. I may have placed too much emphasis on the negative at the time instead of focusing on the positive. This action can always result in delays in reaching goals or milestones.

As I approach the age of three score and ten I am more aware of what should matter. I must take care of what I have contracted to do within as much as possible. I must fix my eyes on the prize of the high calling set forth in Scripture.

No-- I am not perfect nor have I all the answers, but I do place my trust in God and the positive people he has put in my path. If my feelings get hurt, I've probably got them sticking out too far. There are great resources in my friends.

My prayer is that God will take all the hurt I've experienced and all the hurt I have put on others and do as He promised: "work it for good to those who are called according to His purpose".

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Tribute to My Mother-in-law

On January 28, 2015 my mother-in-law, Margie Lorene Folkner breathed her first breath of heavenly air as she left this earth for a home prepared for her by her Jesus. No, I do not claim to know all about the eternity that awaits us at our passing, but I do know of the faith that sustains in times of trouble. Mom was a woman who adhered to the biblical teachings about a place prepared for her.

As we laid her to rest on February 3, 2015 here are my words I shared:

I met this gentle and soft-spoken godly woman about 32 years ago. I was interested in her daughter, Carolyn.

She was a woman of few words but I knew she sorta liked me. At least I sensed that. Now I am her favorite son-in-law. (married her only daughter)

As I spent time with her and Carolyn, it was at church where I learned of her “power” voice. It resonated with authority. I remember being in her adult Sunday school class that one Sunday, and her godly power was truly there. Her voice resounded with the truth of the Scriptures. This was evident as time went on and I was in other services with her and she was asked to testify — She knew the Word of God and declared it with authority and believed it.

She reflected the true character of Christianity. Any man would be pleased to have such a mother-in-law. Carolyn often said she loved me more than her. I felt the confidence she had in me and respected her.

I never heard her raise her voice in anger or lash out at anyone. If you needed godly intervention, you called on her. Through the events in Carolyn and my lives she was often the go-to source for intercession.

I am thankful for her wise frugality that has passed down to her daughter, my wife—- it means survival in a difficult and cruel world. We appreciated the coupons and tokens of her excess soaps, shampoos, and other products.

I will say — she was a serious game player! She could literally skunk me in the scrabble games, or any word game for that matter. A true strategist. 

Eventually I got to the point of being able to tease her about boyfriends and she would put on that blushing smile, chuckle a bit and always say “no”. 

When the terrible event of dementia attacked her, our visits always included my question about her fictitious boy friend I called "Henry". At each visit I would ask her about "Henry" and she would smile in brief recognition of what I was doing. It brought a smile to my face too. Sometimes she would even chuckle a bit.

It was difficult to visit her the past two years in the rest home and for me to know where she was. It hurt to see her begin to rapidly deteriorate and become less conversant.

I look forward to seeing her in her wholeness and I think maybe we will sit down by the River of Life and join the rest of the family in a game of heavenly scrabble. And we will forget about "Henry".

Thank you, Mom, for bringing Carolyn into this world for me. I am forever grateful and blessed. You have impacted my life with your love and faith.

Tough Times

It has been difficult these past few weeks for my wife and me. We have suffered a loss of her precious mother on January 28, 2015. This was bitter sweet experience since she has suffered from severe dementia since February 2013. Memorial service was held on February 3, 2015 which I was honored to moderate. Many wonderful memories of her 84 years of her life were shared. Our faith tells us that she is in a far better place now. The event of placing her body to rest had its many challenges. My wife conducted herself as a brave soul through all the process in spite of the observations or opinions of others. I am proud of the strength God has given her. Yes, she misses her mother, but knows that God has a way of filling the vacancy. With our parents all passed we have become the elders . . . and with that said:

I have had my anger riled over other various events. It seems as though not many value my opinion or show consideration for it. Relationships are frayed over matters of disrespect. My hope is that the younger generation will get the picture and do the right thing. You need to listen with your heart and not just your head. Just because you have a high-paying job or higher education does not mean you excel in the things of life that will matter in eternity. Be truthful with me and do not jump to conclusions as you expect of me. Listen to my opinion as you expect me to listen to yours. Above all, honor all your elders, even if in disagreement. Because there will come a day that you will face the hard cold facts of reaping what you sow.

I have been a soft spoken person most of my life and kept many things to myself. I have learned through my open ears much more than through the opening of my mouth. I will continue to hear what God has to say and follow Him as closely as I possibly can; and if I experience failure, I will repent, receive His forgiveness and keep going on the path to His righteousness. There are advices that I can give to the younger ones if they will but give ear and heart. It is my desire to save them from the griefs that I have born in my short life-span.

There is no desire on my behalf to make this a rebuke, but rather, a lesson to make life better. Yes, it does give me opportunity to vent my frustrations but to review and revise if necessary to avoid further unnecessary conflict.

You see, it doesn't matter to me what your opinion of me happens to be. It is God's judgment of my life that will count in all things in the end. And I ask God to continue to give me compassion for people  that cross my path. For if we do not have compassion we most likely lack the right passion. I am reminded of the concise vision for our church is PASSION FOR GOD AND COMPASSION FOR PEOPLE. To pursue this vision we must have (a God's heart) AGAPE LOVE. I've got to "Love You With The Love Of The Lord."

Friday, January 16, 2015

New Year in Process

Yes, it has approached us again, the beginning of another calendar year. My mode is slowing down. For some reason I am finding it difficult to really focus and get motivated. Could it be that age is a factor? I really think it might have something to do with it. My body is creaking like it never did before. The Essential Tremors (ET) have worsened somewhat due to the stress of a real cut in income for the past year. However, I must acknowledge the Divine is still helping us maintain some level of comfort and finances. I'm not sure what the next year will bring, I must have faith to trust God will work it all out.

This is early afternoon and the sky is blue, albeit the last few days the Tule fog has really been horrendous. Visibility was close to zero in our area. Thank God I didn't have to be out in it. We sure could use some rain in this valley. Water is a real issue. Sometimes I wish I could move to a less expensive state, California is too much with taxes, liberalism, etc.

I have had to hone my pulpit skills the last few months with three memorial services and a two service church Sunday. One can get rusty, but it is good to get back in the saddle again even though it is only briefly.

Well, I think my thoughts are diminishing and so I will close this post.