Friday, October 31, 2014


There are many things going on in our lives at this time.

On the positive side I've obtained my Realtor's license and am attempting with God's help to establish a business in this field. Things are quite slow however and so far I only have two listings that are on the market and no buyers. Also our church, Koinonia has brought me on board for a small stipend to assist with pastoral care and administer our small group program.

There have been some strained relationships regarding Micah. He has moved out and purchased his own home (since December 2013) and has connected with a single mom who seems to be opinionated and distant. We are praying for resolution. He is planning to wed.

I am ready to take it easy quite honestly, but that remains to be seen. We've been able to renegotiate our second mortgage down which should help financially. Our first was renegotiated un HARP at the beginning of 2013.

I continue to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. (Hebrews 12:2)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Turning New Pages

Time has swiftly passed by and I haven’t blogged much. I think it is now time to write something about the events that have transpired recently.

In December I was laid-off from my job after five and one half years. The explanation was shortage of funding in the agency. I believe that to be a half truth since my position was entirely funded by a grant for my salary and benefits. The opportunity to “bump” another position was my original decisions but after much consideration I determined it best for me to take the lay-off and draw unemployment on a higher salary. The position I was offered was substantially lower pay with more pressure than I cared to deal with.

I am preparing myself to work in another field and have completed the necessary courses and have been accepted by a company to work for them once I have my state license. This is currently what I am waiting for. Micah is also pursuing the same endeavor. We have a great mentor source to guide us and a great company to work with.

The family situation for Carolyn remains a puzzling matter. Apparently those family members have heard and gossiped error.

While waiting my other pursuit I have connected with our church and am making a small stipend for Pastoral Care duties and Administration of small groups. I’ve already done hospital visitation and two funerals and conducted a leadership meeting for small groups. It is a good feeling to be active in ministry albeit quite different than previously.

Micah is enjoying living in his own home that he purchased in December. He is tiring of the games played by his current employer so he is working hard to complete courses to improve his future. It will be certainly less physical work. We will work as a team along with Carolyn as our assistant.

Taxes are filed. They just are too high!

Titus, our dog, is grumpy. He is 13 years old.

And so that is it in a nutshell. I will disclose more when I have time.

Friday, February 14, 2014

It's Already 2014

It has been a rather trying few months for me. December came with a real shot of shock. I was told my position had been eliminated and lay-off would occur December 31, 2013. This was alleged to be related to shortage of agency funding. It is difficult for me to wrap my head around this allegation because my position was a specific grant for my job as the Family Self Sufficiency Coordinator and any other use of the funds would constitute misappropriation.

I was given opportunity to bump a person of lower seniority and was intent on doing so until I searched my heart and decided that would not be the best choice. I requested the agency confirm my eligibility to file for unemployment without contesting such and they assured me they would not. ( I got it in writing). The management is not trustworthy.

I am pursuing another career with additional course studies. At this time I will not disclose the details but hope to make it a family business with Micah and Carolyn. It is also possible that I will consider a part-time position with our church as Care Pastor. Time will tell.

I am excited about the possibility that faces my family and look forward to disclosing the success we are going to have.