There are many things going on in our lives at this time.
On the positive side I've obtained my Realtor's license and am attempting with God's help to establish a business in this field. Things are quite slow however and so far I only have two listings that are on the market and no buyers. Also our church, Koinonia has brought me on board for a small stipend to assist with pastoral care and administer our small group program.
There have been some strained relationships regarding Micah. He has moved out and purchased his own home (since December 2013) and has connected with a single mom who seems to be opinionated and distant. We are praying for resolution. He is planning to wed.
I am ready to take it easy quite honestly, but that remains to be seen. We've been able to renegotiate our second mortgage down which should help financially. Our first was renegotiated un HARP at the beginning of 2013.
I continue to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. (Hebrews 12:2)
On the positive side I've obtained my Realtor's license and am attempting with God's help to establish a business in this field. Things are quite slow however and so far I only have two listings that are on the market and no buyers. Also our church, Koinonia has brought me on board for a small stipend to assist with pastoral care and administer our small group program.
There have been some strained relationships regarding Micah. He has moved out and purchased his own home (since December 2013) and has connected with a single mom who seems to be opinionated and distant. We are praying for resolution. He is planning to wed.
I am ready to take it easy quite honestly, but that remains to be seen. We've been able to renegotiate our second mortgage down which should help financially. Our first was renegotiated un HARP at the beginning of 2013.
I continue to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. (Hebrews 12:2)