Monday, February 27, 2012


I have recently commented on my social networks about the freedom I have found by detaching myself from the roots of confining religious thought. It has been a difficult journey to accept but advantageous to comprehending God's direction and purpose for the calling he has given upon my life.

I have learned much through the constriction of my background. It hasn't harmed me but may have well failed in my success to witness. Liberty in Christ is vital to effective evangelism of the unchurched.

The judgmental attitude does nothing to enhance the communication of the Gospel of Christ. It is, in fact, most likely detrimental in most cases.

If you are of the persuasion that God looks on outward appearance to judge, then you are definitely on the wrong path to effective witnessing. Scripture is most clear on this but often set aside to place conviction upon the "lost soul,"

I know I cannot place my personal convictions on another. Each of us must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling as the Apostole Paul clearly states. When I put my convictions upon you, I fail to minister the Gospel.

Experience freedom: Let the Son of  God set you free. Believe on Him. Receive eternal life and let the Spirit reveal truth as you travel this new road to reward.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is it time for therapy again?

 Perhaps there are events that cause frustration and confusion unnecessarily but I must learn to grow through them. My testing is special because I am considered special by the one who created me. It is not that He allows the trouble to beset me, but rather that He utilizes it to the advantage of the Kingdom He is building.

Hurtful offenses have come to me personally and through my family. Most recently there has been an instance involving my wife in particular. I feel the affront was unwarranted but perhaps done out of self protection by the individual.

My wife has willingly been a servant with opportunity that fades with so much miscommunication that it sickens my heart for her. I do not believe the leadership involved truly understands the way they put out information to her. However, I can only pray that it will be revealed to them.

I am frustrated that the attacks come to her from the Christian community. I know her well after 28 years of marriage. There is no malice on her part to usurp authority or be in the spotlight; she just wants to do what God has put in her heart. Those who hinder her abilities will hopefully learn and make things right again.

Acceptance of events has been crucial to our moving forward regardless of apologies or not. Life is full of speed bumps along the way we travel. It is difficult to avoid misalignment in our life because of the harm the bumps cause to our wheels. Nonetheless must let God fix the alignment His way and move forward.

A little R-E-S-P-E-C-T would be nice!