Time is an element of life that passes by so quickly. I am sitting at my desk and composing this piece for my blog and listening to the sound of a passing freight train nearby. The sound is nostalgic to me for some reason. I have just checked the Facebook postings of my friends and found some interesting comments along with some useless chatter as is usually the case. So now I will add some useless chatter to my blog but allow it to be a venting mechanism.
I am actually trying to discipline myself to writing more consistently than I have previously done. The excuses for not doing so are as varied as the number of cars on that passing train.
There is a particular subject I wish to address at this point. It is one that has plagued my choices for most of my life. It began for me early in life. I would say at least by high school age. Now I have accomplished a term of service in the US Air Force, a career with the Social Security Administration, a secondary career in ministry, and now working as a family services coordinator.
As much as feasible I would cover my condition by avoidance or selective refusal of certain situations. This brought about difficulty in relationships.
But now it is a new time in my life. I confess that I have essential tremor (ET). This neurological condition is probably a hereditary disorder. My father had it and was misdiagnosed with Parkinsonism most of his life. I was often told I was nervous because of my shaking; it is a type of nerve disorder. I am amazed at how many are afflicted by this potentially degrading condition.
The tremor is in mainly in my left hand for which I am so thankful since I am right handed. However, residual tremor affects my right hand and my handwriting is very poor. The medication of beta blockers has helped but the prognosis is not positive. I must resign myself to acceptance of the condition and hope people understand my limitations. For those who would like more information about ET I suggest you look at the web site: www.essentialtremor.org/. This web site will give you more detailed information about ET and how it affects individuals and limits their functioning ability.
I wish it would go away but in spite of ET I resign myself to live life to the full. I pray for God’s assistance and would gladly accept a miraculous healing anytime. Stress and tiredness aggravate the disorder. But, if this is my thorn in the flesh, He will give me strength to bare it to the end.