In case you have an interest in what has happened to us this blog can provide some deeper insight if you want to read past posts.
Currently we are doing quite well in spite of many obstacles thrown our way. We have learned a lot about friendship and betrayal. The paths of darkness that we have traveled lately are no longer stretches of great magnitude. Contentment has fallen upon us that are difficult to explain. Our disassociation from previous affiliations was humanly forced, ugly and improper but turned to good by the God we serve.
My summation of the matter that confronted us smack in the face and removed us from full time ministry is: “sorry for them, good for us”. I am truly disappointed in a vast number who are in leadership in the organization. I do not believe they have fully executed their responsibility in accordance with God’s mandate to train. My eyes have been opened to this deficit. I have asked God to forgive me of my blindness and flawed focus of ministry that I pursued for a time. I was seeking man’s approval and promotion rather than walking in the fullness of my God given ministry.
Currently we remain in our new 2,769 square foot home we purchased in 2007. We have retained possession in spite of the economy and lack of employment for nine months. We are in a very nice quiet neighborhood with kind neighbors. All bills were kept current.
God provided a very good job for me. I am a Family Service Coordinator for a housing authority. Carolyn continues to maintain our home and just recently started working for a friend one day a week to earn a little extra. Micah continues to work and will soon enjoin married life. God has blessed us all with wonderful health for which we are so grateful.
Although I soon will be 65 years old I do not plan on retiring unless I inherit a good fortune. I do not engage in pulpit ministry activities unless called upon. My job serves as a great opportunity to minister to a multitude of searching peoples fallen upon hard times. I do hold credentials as a doctor of divinity and ordained bishop. I am excited about life and what the future holds in spite of all the bad press. I would encourage all to "look up, your redemption is near."