The social networks accessible by internet lend themselves to a variety of use. There are luring ads that end up costing the gullible more than they anticipated. Offers of winnings that have minutely written disclaimers are abundant. I have seen these advertisements, announcements, and petitions posted by individuals, businesses, and assorted groups. What a tool of deceit and deception! Illusion of immediate gain is a great advantage in this modern system of communication.
Sadly I have observed begging through this media that disappoints me. This method of panhandling is rather subtle and usually represents someone who wants to publicly display a shortage that exists in their life. This could also infer their lack of resourcefulness to resolve life’s obstacles.
I could certainly use extra funds to ease my burden of bills. For example: If I purchase the latest expensive and unnecessary hi-tech item and cannot pay my rent because the money was misused for my pleasure should I expect anyone else to bail me out of my predicament by posting my stress to all on my social network?
Everyone comes upon hard times. I don’t want to be a beggar. My confidence must truly be in God, my provider. He can come through in those times through true face-to-face relationships, not electronic transmissions.
Is posting your needs a matter of putting trust in the omnipotent God who supplies? Is it like taking an offering for your own lack of faith? Do you hope to obtain cash or gifts to declare God is faithful in supplying your needs? I read in my Bible that “motives are weighed by the Lord.”
Consider also that this type of display will show a discerning person how poor of a steward you are in the first place. However, the Bible says, “Let your request be known.” Is that a valid argument to support internet panhandling?